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我想剪个小平头。I want a crew cut.

全体船员弃船逃生。The whole crew deserted.

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他在一个井队工作。He works ina drilling crew.

线摄影船员,在工作中Manzanar。Line crew at work in Manzanar.

全体船员都站在甲板上。The ship’s crew stood on deck.

他是船员中最好的桨手。He is the best oar in the crew.

卡拉迪加的船员是一家人。The Galactica crew is a family.

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他同样也是被全体成员选出的。He was also elected by the crew.

点解会选择做机舱服务员?。Why did you become a cabin crew?

著名的旅行家需要3名船员。Famous traveller requires 3 crew.

乘务组有二十个成员。The crew includes twenty members.

美军直升机头盔。US Gentex Helicopter Crew Helmet.

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立时鸡叫了第二遍。And the second time the cock crew.

圆领和深亨利开口。Crew neck and deep henley placket.

我们办公室的一伙人相处得很愉快。We are a happy crew in our office.

各位,灯光师能过来一下吗?Guys, can I have the lighting crew?

我们全体都是乘务员。We are all crew. — Marshall McLuhan

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我们都是这个队的钻工。We are all roughnecks of this crew.

而且我认为我的团队喜欢这样。And I think that my crew loves that.

他是剑桥大学划船队的8号划手。He rowed No.8 in the Cambridge crew.