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然而,许多人担心,平静是虚幻的。Yet many fear that the calm is illusory.

什么药吃了会产生幻觉或幻听?What medicine ate can illusory or phonism?

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这个世界是虚幻和短暂的。This kind of world is illusory and impermanent.

但是时间的不可逆性证明了“回归自然”的空幻。But "to return to the nature" was proved illusory.

“低能力者受制于其虚幻的优越感”。"low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority".

是我们错觉想象出来的外貌,或者是我们真实的个性呢?Our illusory conjured appearances, or our actual personalities?

任何国家要想永保军事优势,纯属幻想。Any country on permanent military supremacy has become illusory.

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关于伊莎贝尔的写作,她完全是凭空捏造的。Her impression with regard to Isabel's writing was quite illusory.

请注意蓝色螺旋纹上强烈的运动错觉。Notice the strong illusory motion along the blue spiraling stripe.

这一神经系统的活动使我们产生了心在动的错觉感应。This neural activation leads to the perception of illusory motion.

这种新气象,并非因为解禁股流通徒有虚名。This new atmosphere is not lifted shares in circulation as illusory.

自由人以离开那种虚幻的安全保障来换取自由。Free men paidfor their freedom by leaving that false and illusory security.

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我认为发生在这个世上的所有事件都是“虚幻和无常的”。I think all events happening in this world are " illusory and impermanent".

或者人们认为吸烟可以解忧这个想法是科学的吗?Or might it mean that the whole idea that smoking relieves stress is illusory?

但是这种理解是建立在虚无缥缈的网络之上的。But this kind of understanding is the establishment above the illusory network.

高估自己技术的倾向被称作虚幻的优越感。The tendency for people to overrate their skills is called illusory superiority.

年少时期,我只是停留在舞蹈那虚无缥缈的肤浅理解层面上。Young period, I just stay in the dance that poor understanding of illusory level.

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看见的只是天与地的相接,现实与虚幻的轮回。See only the heaven and earth phase, the reality of reincarnation and the illusory.

所有的界分都是虚幻。你只能够知道假的。真实的你必须安住。All divisions are illusory. You can know the false only. The true you must yourself be.

如果你把目光凝聚在一个点上,这种幻觉的移动就会减慢或停止。Note that if you focus your gaze on a single point, the illusory motion slows or stops.