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就在这时,比尔出现了,他正吃力地从山下爬上来。Now, Bill came in sight plodding up the hill.

他会把他的雨衣给了那些忘了带雨具的人。Once he gave his raincoat to a derelict plodding in the rain.

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只有一群疲惫的乘客拖着疲惫的步伐离开飞机。Just the plodding of weary travelers debarking from a long flight.

渡船目前仍在沿着偏僻的航道驶过偏僻无名的水域。Ferries are now still plodding obscure routes through obscure waters.

就在这时,比尔出现了,他正吃力地从山下爬上来,简笑着叫他。Now, Bill came in sight plodding up the hill. Jane laughed and she called to him.

他们愉快地缓慢前行,形成太空竞赛的感观。They're happy plodding along slowly and creating this perception of a space race.

但有时人民币稳定缓慢的升值速度对美国有利。But sometimes China's steady, plodding currency policy works to the U.S. advantage.

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在昏暗恶劣的天气里艰难行走,我敢担保,那会让你的思维完全麻木。Plodding around in evil weather in the dark can be very mind numbing, I assure you.

在爱尔兰有个穷人,扛著一大袋马铃薯,步履艰难地回家去。A poor man in Ireland was plodding along toward home, carrying a huge bag of potatoes.

阿特瑞是美国银行的一名研究分析员,他说这项运动的一个好处是它沉重缓慢的步调。Raj Atri, a research analyst at Bank of America, said the game’s plodding pace was a plus.

不仅声音单调乏味,而且对于音场定位也会造成很坏的影响。Not only sound is plodding , and also can cause very bad effect to phonic field fixed position.

人民日报称,经济大萧条对经济增长缓慢的西方资本主义世界造成了严重打击。The Great Recession, the newspaper said, has laid bare cracks in plodding Western-style capitalism.

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这一次,这位前经理边走边吃,默默地拖着沉重的脚步走过夜色中的街道,回去睡觉。On this occasion, the ex-manager ate his as he went, plodding the dark streets in silence to his bed.

去年的冠军汉娜朝著牠咆哮,但牠冷静以对,沉稳优雅地走下伸展台。Last year's winner, Hannah, gave him a snarl, but he kept his cool, plodding down the runway gracefully.

耐心的金牛座读枯燥的教育性书籍或漫长的悬念小说一点问题都没有。The patient Bull won't have a problem plodding through educational books or drawn-out suspense thrillers.

球队是否已经找到了在快速进攻和埃尔顿-布兰德的慢打的平衡?Will the team be able to find a balance between an all-out running attack and Elton Brand's plodding offense?

恰恰相反,他们应当选择一位毫无恶意,并且无足轻重的人物来担任这个职务,比如比利时首相赫尔曼·范·隆普。Instead, they should choose some harmless, plodding nonentity like Belgium's prime minister, Herman van Rompuy.

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一公里又一公里的匀速跋涉并不能帮你达到马拉松的程度还会让你觉得枯燥无味。Plodding mile after mile at the same speed won't help you reach your marathon potential and will become very dull.

同时,阿帅也欣喜地发现,开拓者两次进入总决赛时所拥有的中锋凯文-达克沃斯也是一个跑不起来的家伙。As Adelman happily notes, his Portland teams went to the NBA Finals twice with the plodding Kevin Duckworth at center.

运气好的话,中国将会把经济发展中的早熟和经济外交中单调乏味的保守主义结合。With luck China will combine its precocity in economic development with a plodding conservatism in economic diplomacy.