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胸位有手制立体花作饰针。Hand made flower trimmed as a brooch.

那小女孩戴着一枚浮雕宝石胸针。That little girl is wearing a cameo brooch.

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另镀金胸针还可以佩戴使用。Another gold-plated brooch can also wear use.

然后,尼克松就送了他们每人一个白宫胸针。So Nixon gave them each a White House brooch.

落日余晖照射在她的胸针上。Her brooch caught the rays of the setting sun.

镀白金色海马胸针镶有蓝色水晶。Rhodium-plated seahorse brooch in Waikiki Blue crystal.

丽丽的胸饰很别致,看得出来是个名贵的东西。Lily's brooch looks exquisite. It must be very precious.

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她脱下胸针,用双手拢着。She unsnipped the key brooch and clasped it in both hands.

瓜伊雷丢给他他的斗篷、胸针和宽皮带。Guaire flung him his mantle and his brooch and his wide belt.

铑被镀的别针与被纠缠的清楚水晶铺圈。Rhodium-plated brooch with entwined clear crystal pavé loops.

天朗解释说那枚胸针是自己送给清苓的。Tianlong explained that the brooch is myself to the Qing ling.

“没有生日”,她复述道,一边玩弄着胸口的胸针。“No birthday, ” she repeated, fingering the brooch on her breast.

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你正在搜寻自制吉他拨片或迷你帆布胸针?In the market for a home-made guitar pick or a mini canvas brooch?

这时候,那个戴着蜘蛛胸针的女士来到银台。At that moment, the lady with the spider brooch appears at the till.

全印花上衣,胸前有手制立体花作胸针装饰。Floral printed blouse with hand made flowers trimmed as a brooch on chest.

钌镀镶有一颗晶体中的蓝色,紫色和灰色阴影。Ruthenium-plated brooch set with crystals in blue, violet and grey shades.

这款胸针表面镀金,上面镶嵌不同颜色的水晶珠。Gold-plated brooch with bow design set in Light Colorado Topaz crystal pavé.

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勿在丝绸服装上扣别针,否则易留下针眼。Don't button up brooch on the silk clothing, otherwise leave pinprick easily.

我们只有一枚这种款式的胸针。而且这是我最喜爱的胸针之一。We have only one brooch of this type and this is one of my favorite brooches.

另一个发现一枚很值钱的钻石胸针被藏在在浴室隔间地板里。Another discovered a valuable diamond brooch covered in tar in a bathroom stall.