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今天星期三是斋期开始。It's Ash Wednesday.

阿修会害臊的。Ash would be ashamed.

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小智对冠军·阿戴克!Ash Versus the Champion!

就让往事如烟。Blow away the past as ash.

四旬斋在开始于圣灰星期三。It begins on Ash Wednesday.

我们需要纯碱,轻的。And we need Soda Ash. Light.

麻丝墩就是贮灰的容器。Masidun is the ash container.

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排灰设备的排灰才能。The ash can row ash equipment.

硬木地板橡木,山毛榉,白蜡木。Massive parquets oak, beech, ash.

该城建立在火成岩与火山灰上。It’s built on volcanic rock and ash.

她撢去袖子上的灰末。She dusted some ash from her sleeve.

这灰落尘入土,成泥成尘。This ash soil, the fallout mud dust.

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他用手指弹掉了烟灰。He flipped the ash off his cigarette.

还是黑白夹缝中沉闷的灰?Or in black and white crevice sad ash?

法尔弹掉香烟上的烟灰。Val flipped the ash off his cigarette.

阿白,黑,灰及黄河的一个本垒打。A White, Black, & an Ash Yellow homers.

汽车行驶在盖满岩浆灰的高速公路上。Cars drive along a road covered in ash.

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没有啊,我什么也没说,小智。No, nothing. I don't say anything, Ash.

你能把客厅家具上的灰尘擦干净吗?Could you dust the ash on the furniture.

我可不想看你灰飞烟灭。I don’t want to see you in the ash heap.