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但那加首先得提高她的英语。But first Nga would have to improve her English.

也许大凡搞艺术的人都有些类似的雅好。May engage in the arts are generally similar Nga some good.

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最后她还是挺挺牙坚持让老公送她到家长家楼下。Finally she insisted that her husband Nga Ting Ting send her to the parents downstairs.

装修时雅将大部分墙打掉,形成一里一外两个大空间。Most of the wall decoration, Nga will be destroyed, creating a large space in one of two.

雅耀真诚与全球客户携手共创美好的明天。Nga Yiu in good faith with the global customers to join hands in creating a better tomorrow.

实验表明,NGA比用传统的GA训练神经网络效果要优。The result demonstrates that NGA is better than the traditional GA in training neural networks.

按照传统,Nga用竹片割断了脐带,并用一桶水清洗了地板。Nga has cut the umbilical cord with a bamboo sliver and rinsed the floor with a bucket of water.

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坚持工业主体地位,在未来很长一个时期,仍然是衙前强镇富民的关键所在。Insist on industry status, in the future for a long time, still is the key to enriching NGA strong town.

一艘传统的平底帆船从普吉穿过茂盛的热带群岛到达攀牙海湾。A traditional junk rigged schooner that traverses the lush tropical archipelago from Phuket to Phang Nga Bay.

什么原因使风和日丽和雅苑将延续甚至超越第一期风华苑的销售势头呢?What causes danger and Nga Court will continue even beyond the first phase of the sales momentum wind Wah Court?

在网络的最新更新,国家地理情报局基站的位置,计算约1厘米的精度。During the most recent update of the network, NGA computed station positions to approximately 1 centimeter accuracy.

而楼盘名称弥漫着浓浓书香的南山又一新盘学林雅苑近日也开始内部认购。And the name was a thick book sale Nanshan of another new school sites within the forest Nga Court recently began buying.

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全国州长协会会议结束之后,我们一家乘船从西雅图去加拿大的维多利亚和温哥华度过了一个短暂的假期。When the NGA meeting concluded, our family took a boat from Seattle to Canada for a short vacation in Victoria and Vancouver.

除主导产业化纤纺织、钢结构外,衙前的金属板材、机械、五金业正异军突起。Not including leading industry chemical fiber textiles, steel, Nga Tsin, machinery, metal sheet metal industry is a dark horse.

风和日丽二期和雅苑尚未开盘,已有300余名客户预先登记选房,提前认购。Phase II has not yet opened and danger Nga Court, I have 300 pre-registered clients of the Housing election advance subscription.

金门斯堪雅公司由在2002年全球建筑企业中排名第一的瑞典斯堪雅公司和怡和公司组成。Quemoy in 2002 by Scandinavian companies Nga global construction firms ranked first Swedish companies and Scandinavian Nga Jardine companies.

今天,Nga是大学学法律,她的目标是成为一名律师,这样她就能帮助争取权利的在她的乡村农业工人。Today, Nga is studying law at university and her goal is to become a lawyer so she can help fight for the rights of agricultural workers in her village.

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衙前苯丙氨酸巧是最大和最古老的修道院的茵莱湖,是值得一游的宗旨和历史建筑以及它的猫。Nga Phe Chaug is the biggest and oldest monastery on the Inle Lake and is worth visiting for its historical purposes and architecture as well as its cats.

麓山雅苑居住小区坐落于河西大学城老城区,湖南大学东南角,环境古朴,交通方便。Lu mountain NGA residential Hexi College is located in the city's old neighborhoods, Southeast corner of Hunan University, environment simple, convenient traffic.

雅郡?熙源作为琶洲板块内目前最大的纯住宅小区,借一期的楼盘成熟度和良好的居住环境,楼盘售价较一期有所上升。Nga County, Hei Yuen as Pazhou plate of the largest pure residential area, a period of maturity and good development environment, property prices than one year increased.