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他热爱这类冒险。He sought adventure.

动作冒险类的。Action and adventure.

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冒险布书。Adventure Cloth Book.

因此这是一次难得的经历。So it's an adventure.

是一次不寻常的经历。It's really an adventure.

你的卡德默斯冒险之旅?Of your Cadmus adventure?

我喜欢历奇训练。I like adventure training.

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怎么利用冒险游戏?How to use adventure games?

生活应该是一场冒险。Life should be an adventure.

人生是一场冒险,挑战它。Life is an adventure — dare it.

我喜欢冒险的感觉。I like the feeling of adventure.

电影名“李的冒险”。The movie is' Lee's Adventure '.

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这类冒险活动是年轻人的事。This adventure is for the young.

尽管如此,他渴望冒险。Still, he hungered for adventure.

卡斯滕·彼得以冒险为生。Carsten Peter thrives on adventure.

你喜欢冒险的味道吗??Do You Like the Smell of Adventure?

这次历险后没过几天,…Not many days after this adventure.

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关于冒险岛物价问题!Adventure Island on the price issue!

自由空间说人生是一种冒险。Freespace says life is an adventure.

她的探险的梦也死亡了。Her dreams of adventure died as well.