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我想让她的房间看起来强大的且异想天开的。I wanted it to feel punchy and whimsical.

通过配饰,鞋子,手提包的搭配来增添色彩的冲击,让你看起来更时尚。Add punchy color and trendiness with accessories, shoes and handbags.

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基本上过饱和,特别是在洋红,蓝,绿三色,看起来非常强烈。Largely oversaturated, particularly in the Magenta, Blue and Green colors, a very punchy look.

我不能再盯着看他的名字,我有点控制不住了,但是我还是害怕去约他。I think I need to stop staring at his name. I'm getting punchy. But I still don't have the nerve to ask him out.

威利沃尔什是英国航空公司爱尔兰分部的首席执行官,他于2005年上任时的主要任务是把条例变为具有竞争力的实力。Willie Walsh, the airline's punchy Irish chief executive, was appointed in 2005 to knock such practices into competitive shape.

在货架中间,摆放著云南白药牙膏,没有花哨的包装,也没有极端的承诺,但26元的售价却相当不菲。In the middle of the shelving with no fancy packaging or extreme promises is yunnan baiyao toothpaste priced at a punchy rmb 26.

易搭、本贴四冲程单已全部提前五速变速箱把你的交通你要去哪里。Easy to ride, this punchy four-stroke single has a full five speed gearbox to keep you ahead of the traffic, wherever you're going.

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俄亥俄州大部分人愿意将自己视作是温和派,但是就在卡锡克当选之后他马上采取了特别强势的保守路线。Most people in Ohio like to see themselves as moderates, but straight after his election Mr Kasich took an especially punchy conservative line.

这种智能,加上密封式设计,定制乐富豪专业传感器是必不可少的昏昏欲睡的低端到55Hz复制。This intelligent enclosure design, along with a custom Wharfedale Pro transducer is essential in the reproduction of punchy low end down to 55Hz.

迈向朗松的黑烟,柠檬色的香槟玫瑰,其强有力的味觉使它成为良好的食物和开胃酒,在混合预售种取得很好的销量。Step forward Lanson's smoky, lemony Brut Rosé, whose punchy palate makes it a good food and apéritif wine and much improved on the previous blend sold here.

迈向朗松的黑烟,柠檬色的香槟玫瑰,其强有力的味觉使它成为良好的食物和开胃酒,在混合预售种取得很好的销量。Step forward Lanson 's smoky, lemony Brut Rosé, whose punchy palate makes it a good food and apéritif wine and much improved on the previous blend sold here.

其实,如果你问墨西哥人中等学校的孩子们什么厄尔尼诺Ponchis手段,他们会说,它是指一个人谁喜欢电子音乐与它的“冲击力冲击力”节拍。Actually, if you ask Mexican middle-school kids what El Ponchis means, they will say that it refers to someone who likes techno music, with its "punchy punchy" beats.

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如果政治是有关商标理法和缓冲挡标签的事,那么“短的和有渊源的”名字会有很高的收视率,而且很容易记住并有优势,她说。If politics is about brand logos and bumper stickers, then "short and punchy" names which are highly visible and easy to remember are going to be an advantage, she says.

内贾德似乎不能证明他强烈的沙文主义,而是哈塔米平静的外交政策,能为伊朗伊斯兰共和国在阳光下赢得理应享有的地位。Mr Ahmadinejad, it seems, is out to prove that his punchy chauvinism , rather than Mr Khatami's quiet diplomacy, will win the Islamic Republic its rightful place in the sun.