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我为你祈祷了,总管。I have prayed for you, Seneschal.

管家是个严肃的老人。The seneschal was an old stern man.

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然而,即使懊悔,青春那苍白的管家。Yet, though remorse, youth's white-faced seneschal.

铭记不朽者的启示,小心带香味的总管。Remember the undying . Beware the perfumed seneschal.

总管犹豫了一会,然后说,“我问你,将军。The seneschal hesitated a moment, then said, “I ask you, Marshal.

他与总管的第一次正面冲突是彻底的胜利。HIS FIRST CONFRONTATION WITH the seneschal had been a resounding victory.

但这位总管担心,下一任会特别有决定作用。But the seneschal feared that the next tenure would be particularly decisive.

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总管一直等到门被关上,然后把颤巍巍的手放在棺材上。The seneschal waited until the doors had closed, then laid a trembling hand on the coffin.

在跟随杰弗里进入大堂前,总管最后又看了次他的房间。Before following Geoffrey into the hall, the seneschal took one last look around his quarters.

杰弗里保持沉默,总管刹那间察觉到他助理的一种以前没有的成熟。Geoffrey went silent, and the seneschal suddenly detected a maturity in his aide that he’d never noticed before.

想要就拿去吧,我保证会作为你们的管家,引导和侍奉你们,直到你们对自己的位置满意。Take it if you wish-I promise to serve and guide you as your seneschal until you grow comfortable with the position.

总管没有不同意这些论断,但这里有另一要点,“没必要亵渎一个好人。”The seneschal didn’t disagree with that conclusion, but there was another point. “There was no need to desecrate a good man.”

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雷孟达的词语里不含任何感情,总管知道元帅是怎样用雄辩的语言包裹着谎言的。De Roquefort’s words carried not a hint of emotion, and the seneschal knew how the marshal could clothe wrongs in eloquent language.

管家走进门,站在旧的红色微光地毯尽头,敲响了镌刻着优美螺旋纹饰的黄铜钟。The seneschal came to the door at the end of the worn red shimmerweave carpet and rang the graceful spiral of brass chimes that hung beside it.

总管看到其他人没有搅乱反对的严肃,这一刻笼罩在礼拜堂上空的圣洁似乎被玷污了。The seneschal noted that none of the others stirred the solemnity of the challenge and, for an instant, the sanctity that had for so long loomed within the chapel seemed tainted.

总管知道佬司又搅活了他们惊人的故事,他在1970年代写书告诉整个世界关于这个小小的法国村落及它所谓的历史秘密。The seneschal knew that Lars Nelle had resurrected their astonishing tale, writing a book in the 1970s that told the world about the tiny French village and its supposed ancient mystic.

其他武士的住房就在附近,总管穿过一个拱形的入口,到了巨穴似的宿舍,那里灯火点亮着,圣殿规则禁止房间完全的黑暗。Lodgings for the brothers were nearby, and the seneschal passed an arched portal that led into the cavernous dormitory where lights burned, as Rule forbid the chamber to ever be totally dark.