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我是个没有目标的酒鬼。I was a rudderless drunk.

好像这里没有领头的。Seems like rudderless leadership here.

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他在房子周围转来转去,像一艘没有舵的小船在布满礁石的河流中飘荡。He drifted about the house like a rudderless vessel in a rocky stream.

没有爱情,她就要象一只没舵的孤舟飘在无边的大海上,这是他知道的。Without it she was like a rudderless boat on an endless sea, and he knew it.

说的是球队没有方向是缺少组织核心吧…So many NBA teams are rudderless , languishing through season after season with no direction.

如果你是软弱的,如果你展现出极其微弱的限制,那么你将继续在没有方向舵的船上漫无目标地航行。If you are soft, and if you show the slightest latitude, you will continue to sail aimlessly in the rudderless boat.

这就是想在坐在一只漂流在大洋深处的小船一样,没有了舵,你所能盼望的只是能找到一块稳固的、安全的陆地。It is like being helpless in a rudderless boat in the midst of the ocean, and all you want is some steady and safe land.

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法老王的广阔国土象无舵的大船一样颠簸,仅仅被激烈的派系斗争掌握着。The great land of the Pharaohs was now pitching about like a rudderless ship, with only struggling factions at the helm.

但是要记得在走进会议大厅之前做好准备工作,否则你会感到就像在大海中间的一艘无舵的小船。But remember to do your homework before stepping into the conference hall, or you will feel like a rudderless boat in mid-sea.

今年早些时候当她去纽约史隆格德林癌症中心接受治疗的时候,政府部门群龙无首。Earlier this year when she went for treatment at Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Centre in New York, the government was left rudderless.

没有控制的思想就像驾驶没有舵的船,一驶出港口就会在和第一块岩石碰撞变成碎片。Not to have control over the senses is like sailing in a rudderless ship, bound to break to pieces on coming in contact with the very first rock.

从脚手架搭设方案设置来看,仿佛一群群龙无首的农妇干的一样,仿佛大姑娘进洞房又怕又爱的。Scaffolding program settings from the point of view, if a group of peasant women rudderless as dry, as if a big girl Jin Dongfang frightened of love.

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但德国看起来不大可能将很快屈服于扩大欧洲央行角色的压力,所以欧元区看起来再次成为波涛汹涌的大海里一叶无助的扁舟。But it seems unlikely that Germany will save into pressure to expand the ECB's role any time soon, so yet again the Eurozone seems to be a rudderless ship on stormy seas.

1995年,上一次我生活在俄罗斯的时候,那里真是一片混乱--高犯罪率和克林姆林宫里独断专行的叶利钦。By 1995, the last time I lived there, Russia had disintegrated into a rudderless mess, defined most by a bestial crime rate and Boris Yeltsin's kleptocracy in the Kremlin.

日本首相福田康夫的突然辞职再一次使日本这一世界第二大经济体失去舵手——日本经济似乎正危险地漂向暗礁。THE surprise resignation of Japan's prime minister, Yasuo Fukuda, has once again left the world's second-largest economy rudderless —just as it seems to be drifting dangerously towards the rocks.

诱惑起自于动荡的心和对天主的小信德,就像是一只无舵之舟随波逐流,粗疏松懒的人也一样受到各式各样的诱惑。The beginning of all temptation lies in a wavering mind and little trust in God, for as a rudderless ship is driven hither and yon by waves, so a careless and irresolute man is tempted in many ways.