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写不寄出的信。Write unsent letters.

它其实是由一封未寄出的信改成的歌曲。It's essentially an unsent letter that became a song.

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您有未发送信息,您仍然想要退出吗?You have unsent messages, do you wish to quit anyway?

此消息仍留在“未发送消息”文件夹中。This message has been left in the Unsent Messages folder.

尚有未发出的臭虫命令,您要现在发出它们吗?There are unsent bug commands. Do you want to send them now?

签名是有效的,但无法确认密钥的有效性。This account cannot be deleted since there are some unsent messages for it.

我多少乎从来没有被困扰坐不住了“撤消”和“未发送”。I hardly ever sit still without being haunted by the "undone" and the "unsent".

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您的发件箱中有尚未发送的邮件。是否要现在联机发送邮件?。You have unsent messages in your Outbox. Do you want to go online and send them now?

获取或设置为具有替换或全部替换窗体区域的未发送项显示的图标。Icon that appears for unsent items that have replacement or replace-all form regions.

有一条消息传递失败。此消息仍留在“未发送消息”文件夹中。Delivery failed for 1 message. This message has been left in the Unsent Messages folder.

您已经取消发表文章。未发表的文章将存放于寄件匣中。You have aborted the posting of articles. The unsent articles are stored in the "Outbox" folder.

第七天,未寄出去的信,如犯罪的证据必须销毁。On the seventh day, I had to destroy those unsent letters which might serve as evidence of my crime.

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表示为单独、替换和全部替换窗体区域显示的图标的集合。Gets or sets the icon that appears for unsent items that have replacement or replace-all form regions.

科尼科娃说,作为名人间的一项传统,永不寄出的愤怒信曾让他们三思自己的遣词造句。Konnikova says the unsent angry letter used to be a tradition among public figures who needed to think twice about their choice of words.

女孩拿起男孩的手机,她惊呆了…手机里面只有女孩一个人的手机号,里面都是写给女孩的未发送的短信。The girl picked up the boy's mobile phone, she was shocked. Mobile phone inside. Girls only one mobile phone number, there are unsent messages for girl.