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静脉回流丰富,神经支配可靠。Refluence of vein is plentiful and innervation is credible.

阴股沟区静脉回流丰富,神经支配可靠。Refluence of it is of plenty and innervation of it is reliable.

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采用改良的银染色法观察了大鼠胸腺神经纤维的分布。The innervation of rat thymus was observed by silver stain method.

背阔肌、前锯肌有独立的神经支配。Latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior muscle innervation independent.

一部分患者的小关节可能存在异常的或其他的神经支配。Some people may have aberrant or additional innervation of the facet joints.

骶前神经切除术指切断支配子宫的交感神经。C. Presacral neurectomy refers to interruption of the sympathetic innervation of the uterus.

汗液的分泌受胆碱能神经支配,是多种因素作用的结果。Secretion of sweat occurs as result of many factors and is mediated by cholinergic innervation.

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舌咽神经痛是舌咽神经分布区发作性剧烈疼痛。Glossal pharynx is neuralgic it is glossa pharynx innervation area is paroxysmal acuteness ache.

首次证明了大鼠中缝核群中SOM样神经元对咽肌前运动神经元的支配。This study provides the first evidence of raphe SOM innervation of the pharyngeal premotor neurons.

在30例成年下肢标本,观测了腓骨长肌形态、血管和神经。The shape, blood supply and innervation of long peroneal muscle were observed on 30 adult leg specimens.

RUPV靠近心外膜的脂肪垫,而脂肪垫内有支配心房的迷走神经节及节后纤维。Meanwhile, RUPV is very close to the epicardial fat pads thereby the efferent vagal innervation to atria.

最后,讨论了下颌无名孔在下颌血液供应、神经支配方面的重要意义。Final, significance of unnamed foramina in mandible for blood supply and nerve innervation were discussed.

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目的了解肱骨外上髁的神经支配与颈神经根的关系。Objective To study the relationship between innervation of lateral epicondylar humeri and cervical root nerve.

对盆底器官的运动神经支配效能,均存在着右侧骶神经根大于左侧的特点。For both lower urinary and gastroenterology, the right sacral roots provide more innervation than the left ones.

利用免疫、化学神经切除术,从不同角度对神经支配进行干预,观察其对骨发育的影响。Furthermore, the importance of innervation to the bone development via immunochemical neurectomy will be observed.

切断后,该神经根至其肌肉效应器的躯体运动神经支配被中断了。When transected, the somatic motor innervation of this specific spinal root to its effector muscles remains interrupted.

后期的人体及动物实验在刺激性泻药导致的结肠损伤方面的证据也很少。Later studies in humans and animals provide little evidence for sustained laxative-induced injury to colonic innervation.

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这些结果提示在绵羊,消化道的迷走神经支配调节进食头期的胰岛素分泌。These results indicate that the vagal innervation of the gut mediates insulin release during the cephalic phase of feeding in sheep.

自然予人希望给人们带来充满创造和雄阔的精神自由,带给人们美的享受、个性的张扬和充满激情的动感。We hope bring people full of creation and wide sprit freedom, enjoyment of beauty, bardian rise, and full of enthusiasm innervation.

静脉回流有三种途径,神经支配以桡神经浅支和前臂外侧皮神经为主。Innervation of the flap was provided chiefly by a branch of the superficial radial nerve and the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve.