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南方公园家属的上诉被不予考虑。Southland park families appeal dismissal.

今天的下课铃响早了。The bell sounded dismissal earlier today.

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那仆人毫无怨言地接受解雇。The servant accepted his dismissal without any complaint.

那名银行职员因偷钱而遭提前开除。The bank staff anticipated his dismissal by stealing money.

他们决定罢工抗议解雇他们的同事。They decided to strike against the dismissal of a colleague.

史密斯先生接到他被解雇的通知时,目瞪口呆。Mr Smith looked blank, when he was informed of his dismissal.

反对党领袖要求立刻解雇中川。Opposition leaders called for ­Nakagawa's immediate dismissal.

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我们是一种悲哀和失望,我们在MYM解雇。We are kind of sad and disappointed about our dismissal in MYM.

法官驳回上诉,报章对此加以严厉批评。Newspaper harshly criticized the Judge's dismissal of the appeal.

她亲切地说,但话音里有一点收场的暗示。She spoke amiably, yet with the least hint of dismissal in her voice.

佩奇轻率的解雇谷歌内异见员工的行为起码是不明智的。Page's blithe dismissal of Google's critics is impolitic at the least.

罢官闲居三十余载,以诗丈自娱。Dismissal homebound three more than ten years of poetry husband amused.

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唐·科里昂转过身去。这是一个不同意的表示。但是伯纳塞拉没有让步。Don Corleone turned his back. It was a dismissal. Bonasera did not budge.

你应当自问,“我有开除他的正当理由吗?”You should ask yourself, “IfI have to, can I fully justify this dismissal?

这样,当你最终辞退她的时候,她就无法声称自己被解雇是不公平的。Then, when you finally fire her, she won't be able to claim unfair dismissal.

这次争端是由解雇一名不服从命令的工人引起的。The dispute was touched off by the dismissal of a workman for insubordination.

英足总已经接受了对埃辛错误的停赛的上诉。A claim for wrongful dismissal from Michael Essien has been received by the FA.

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在网络上,许多人要求撤掉铁道部长盛光祖。Online, many have demanded the dismissal of the new railway minister, Sheng Guangzu.

如果在受到警告后不能改进的话,就可能面临被劝退的结果。Those unable to improve their grades after receiving this warning can face dismissal.

大多数公司都对立即解雇的情况做出严格的规范。Most companieshave strict guidelines as to what offenses call for immediate dismissal.