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带你跟她一起去,可怜的三心二意的人!Take you with her, pitiful changeling?

这是无论在对低能儿的故事。This is true in the tales about the Changeling.

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三十年前,我就从一个换生灵重新变成了人类。Thirty years ago, in 1949, I was a changeling who became a human again.

还有,还有一件事,海因斯在电影里面一次也没有提到那个催眠大众的名字。And, get this, never once does Haynes mention the name of the mesmeric changeling at his film's center.

我们的换生灵密探跟踪他并发出召集令,我把自己变成他完美的复制品。Our changeling spies followed him and raised the alarm, and I transformed myself into his perfect facsimile.

在2008年,影星布拉德皮特出演了“本杰明巴顿奇事”,安吉丽娜朱莉出演了“换子疑云”。In 2008, Brad Pitt led the act in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Angelina Jolie led the act in Changeling.

九月是善变的,它时而像一只松鼠在胡桃树上忙碌,时而像慵懒的妇人般虚度光阴。It plays tag with the wind. September is a changeling busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook.

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由于这个原因,它们已经开始从它们的山地上下来重新加入为数众多的低能级社会里来。It is for this reason that they have come down from their mountains and rejoined changeling society in large numbers.

它们对“地面人类”的诡计和政治不感兴趣,因此他们几乎不干扰低能级社会的事物。They care little for the machinations and politics of "ground folk", and they rarely interfere with changeling society.

这不能随意选择,换生灵找到的孩子必须与他自己被绑架时的年龄一致。It couldnt be a random selection. A changeling must decide on a child the same age as he was when he had been kidnapped.

这不能随意选择,换生灵找到的孩子必须与他自己被绑架时的年龄一致。It couldnt be a random selection . A changeling must decide on a child the same age as he was when he had been kidnapped.

那时人们担心仙女们会来偷走婴儿,换上仙界的丑小孩。It was then feared that the fairies had come and stolen the baby away and replaced the human baby with a fairy Changeling.

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而无论他们年龄大小,我们的目标是骗过孩子的父母,让他们相信换生灵的的确确是他们的亲骨肉。No matter how old or young, the object is to deceive the parents into think-ing that this changeling is actually their child.

数十年的换生灵生活塑造了我的胃口和精力,但她是个十足的人类,年年都在发福。Decades as a changeling had molded my appetites and energies, but she was all too human, growing heavier with each passing season.

传说中的小妖精出没于森林中,经常玩些小把戏,有时也会将自己丑陋的孩子和人类的婴儿互换。Legend tells of goblins hiding out in forests, pulling pranks and sometimes switching human babies for their own changeling spawn.

作为演员,安吉丽娜朱莉已经无数次成功的征服了电影票房,这位好莱坞女星的下一个目标是导演一部作品。Now that Angelina Jolie is set to direct her first feature, her pal and Changeling director Clint Eastwood is offering a few tips.

正是后者导致他爱上了一个不该爱的女人——这个心怀鬼胎的变形人在一场香料矿阴谋中把他推向前台。It was the latter attribute that caused him to fall for the wrong woman, a shifty changeling who conned him into fronting a spice-mining scheme.

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成为我们中间一分子的那个孩子,或许要等上一个世纪才能轮到他换生,并再次进入人类世界。A child who becomes part of our society might have to wait a century before his turn in the cycle arrives, when he can become a changeling and reenter the human world.

成为我们这个族群一分子的那个孩子,或许要等上一个世纪才能轮到他换生,那时他将成为一个换生灵,重返人类世界。A child who becomes part of our society might have to wait a century before his turn in the cycle arrives, when he can become a changeling and reenter the human world.

帕拉西蒂的变形能力相当高级,在全息图像技术的配合下,她完美的伪装甚至能骗过最严格的检查。Parasitti's changeling abilities were quite advanced, supplemented by holographic technology to make her disguises perfect enough to fool even the most hardened scrutiny.