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席夫·马利克其他新闻媒体于华盛顿联合报道Shiv Malik and agencies in Washington

为徐薇姊妹的家人祷告。Pray for the family of Mrs. Xuwei Malik.

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“这是北方的清算日,”马里克说,“他们必须弄清如何将北方变成一个可以自给自足的站的住脚的国家。”"This is the north's day of reckoning," says Malik.

他们说,他可能建议陆军少校尼达尔马利克哈桑。They say he may have advised Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan.

杰玛。马利克离赢得2千万卢比只有一道问题的距离。Jamal Malik is one question away from winning 20 million rupees.

然而,灵长类动物学家伊巴克.马利可说,地方政府并未采取行动。But primatologist Iqbal Malik said local authorities have failed to take action.

在这样一个中国通眼里,现在的中国和他所熟悉的那些城市是什么样的?How does an "enthusiast" like Mr. Malik look at today's China and Chinese cities?

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印度青年杰玛•马利克还差一个问题就能赢得2千万卢比。Jamal Malik is one question away from winning 20 millon rupees. How did he do it?

贾马尔距2千万卢比仅有一步之遥,他是如何做到的?Jwasal Malik is one question away from winning 20 million rupees. How did he do it?

马立祺先生是北京万豪酒店的总经理,对不对?Mr. Rauf Malik is the General Manager of Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall?True or False?

省警察局长马利克。纳维德在接受美国之音电话采访中描述了爆炸过程。Speaking to VOA by telephone, Provincial police chief Malik Naveed described the incident.

在附近的一个露天咖啡馆,21岁的马莉亚姆.马利克跟一个朋友坐在烈日下。In a nearby outdoor café, 21-year-old Maryam Malik sat with a friend in the scorching heat.

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对于像奥克拉荷马州的伍德家这样情况的人来说,马里克希望他们的房屋能够更坚固些。It's for people like the Wood family of Oklahoma that Malik wants buildings to be stronger.

马立克在提到政府规划项目时说,这“真正地实施”在给经济带来真正增长的地方。“It’s really execution where the real” boost can come from, Malik said of government initiatives.

尼克斯送出大卫李,罗斯,杰弗里斯交换公牛托马斯和修斯。Knicks send David Lee, Malik Rose and Jared Jeffries to the Bulls for Tyrus Thomas and Larry Hughes.

马利克命名赫哈马德阿明蒂萨迪,谁已被逮捕,因为“主要经营者”中的情节,没有细说。Malik named Hamad Amin Sadiq, who has been arrested, as the "main operator" in the plot, without elaborating.

一些报道中称,起义的领导,Houthi基地的阿卜杜勒。马利克,也在遇害名单中。Some reports claim that the leader of the uprising, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, was among those who have been killed.

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有学者提出利用不同曝光时间来重建出高动态范围影像的方法。Debevec and Malik proposed a method to reconstruct a high dynamic range image by using different exposure images.

马力克说,他的博客能够盈利,要归功于大环境的支持。One big reason why his blog works as a small business, says Mr Malik , is that an ecosystem of support is appearing.

胡德堡军事基地枪击事件嫌疑人,少校哈桑拒绝回答关于事发当天的任何问题。The suspect in the Fort Hood shootings, army Major Nidal Malik Hasan is refusing to answer questions about that day.