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我又回去干我的事。I returned to my work.

我回到丁我的矮凳上。I returned to my stool.

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那本书他还了吗?。Hass he returned the book?

她回到了石凳前。She returned to the bench.

“我饶恕你了,”他严肃地回说。"I do, " he returned grimly.

大军凯旋归来。The army returned in triumph.

为什麽没有人回复我的邮件?Why wasn't my email returned?

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他回到了卜吕梅街。He returned to the Rue Plumet.

余以3月1日返。I returned on March the first.

载入器返回1退出当前状态。Loader returned 1 exit status.

他再也没回Kari的电话。He never returned Kari's calls.

他心情沉重地回来了。He returned with a heavy heart.

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我把那封信原封退回去了。I returned the letter unopened.

我说完便回去继续工作。I said and returned to my work.

然后再把它放回箱子里去。Then it is returned to the box.

他回到家里无损伤。He returned home without injury.

海蒂回到杉树那里。Heidi returned to the fir-trees.

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打开将被返回的游标。Open the cursors to be returned.

战士们随即回到了罗库村。The warriors returned to Rokrul.

几个月后,刘传回。A few months later, Liu returned.