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这是个好兆头,阿宝。This is a sign, Po.

宝是现在的巢。Po is now in the nests.

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小宝,我的小熊猫。Sao Po. My little panda.

萧宝。我的小大熊猫。Xiao Po. My little panda.

非常喜欢宫保鸡丁!Really likes Kung Po chicken!

PO准备放弃这个项目。PO was about to scrap the project.

下一站系大埔墟。The next station is Tai Po Market.

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米埔是香港最好的秘居地。Po is Hong Kong's best kept secret.

娜木钟策划着为博古尔报仇。Na clock planning revenge for Po gul.

我要买一张去大埔的头等车票。I want a first class ticket to Tai Po.

po——写入页面空间的页面。po -- Pages paged out to paging space.

一段介绍米埔自然保护区的短片。A short video on Mai Po Nature Reserve.

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你有没有去过米埔野生动物保护区?Have you been to Mai Po Nature Reserve?

精神的糖衣炮弹打中了一个靶子,就是薄一波。A spiritual one hit its target, Po I-po.

你在瞪眼大赛中胜过阿宝了没?!Did you beat Po in that staring contest?

什么产品?也许我能效劳。What about it? I may po ibly be of help.

相片于零九年三月十五日在米埔拍摄。谢谢!The photo was taken on 15Mar09 at Mai Po.

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我会尽可能快地航班取消怎么办装运这批订货。I'll ship the order as quickly as po ible.

宝琳和席非走在白色教堂里。Po Lam and I walk in the non-white church.

乘客可以转乘往坑口或宝琳列车。Interchange station for Hang Hau or Po Lam.