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多厉害的女孩啊!What a shrewish girl!

被认为是不名誉的或泼辣的女人。A woman regarded as disreputable or shrewish.

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我倒真想知道,要是查尔斯这次真的死了,你的泼劲,还会有这么厉害吗?I wonder if you would be half so shrewish if Charles had died in the crash?

我过去不知道像那样地说话会让我多么地泼辣和愤怒。I hadn't realized how shrewish and angry I had felt as a result of speaking like that.

为了供着他那刁泼的妻子齐拉,他改行做了沥青房顶生意。He had gone into the tar-roofing business in order to support his shrewish wife, Zilla.

她运用自己泼辣的个性来取得她所想要的,同时她也逼迫他人听从自己的意见。She used her shrewish personality to get what she wanted and forced people to listen to her.

有人说,个人生活大胆泼辣的麦姐很难和好妈妈联系在一起。Some people say that the personal life of Michael shrewish sister bold and difficult to link a good mother.

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每当他在家里遭到凶猛如狮吼的妻子的呵叱后,便平静地走到广场,拉住遇到的人讨论哲学问题。Every time when he was scolded by his shrewish wife at home, he would go calmly to the square and hold anyone he met to discuss philosophy.

上段引文中,陌生人因为受土著女人“高分贝尖声吵闹”的干扰而拌了一下狗。In the passage just quoted, the stranger stumbles over the yellow dog as a result of being distracted by the "high-pitched shrewish tone" of the native woman.

公子为避恶妇远离家乡,后来,无病看到在这个家实在无法呆下去了,就带上阿坚逃跑了。There the whole family was neither in harmony nor tranquil. Sun went far away from home to avoid the shrewish woman. After a while, Wubing could bear it no longer.

有且仅有一个原因可以解释为什么威尔玛和笨伯竟然能够生活在一起——老婆多少显得有点泼妇,老头则粗鲁滑稽。There is one reason and one reason only that a couple like Wilma and Fred Flintstone could stay together, despite her somewhat shrewish nature and his boorish antics.

我万万没想过自己会变成那种因丈夫不守本分整晚在外与友人酣饮而在门口放声大骂的泼妇。Never in a million years would I become that shrewish fishwife shrieking from the doorway because my husband had spent the night carousing with the boys in avoidance of his husbandly duties.