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可能她知道真正的“魔法”是她里面所蕴含的稚嫩的力量。Perhaps she knew the real "magic" was the nascent power within her.

就像台球开球一样,最初的星系看起来非常容易碰撞。Like racked billiard balls, nascent galaxies were more likely to collide.

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在剧中,犹太小镇的温情滋养着两位初出茅庐的电影迷的创造力。The warmth of the shtetl feeds the creativity of these nascent cinephiles.

经济复苏在伦敦初露曙光,但若现金撤出就可能付之东流。The nascent recovery seen in London could be wiped out if cash is withdrawn.

对中国初生的环保运动而言,这是难得的、喜人的成就。For China's nascent environmental movement, it was a rare and welcome success.

谷歌实验室有大量的产品和创意,一些还处于草创阶段。Google Labs contains a huge range of products and ideas, some in nascent form.

这个初生的计划被录制成录像带,涌入了伊拉克和阿拉伯世界。The nascent plan was for the tapes to be flooded into Iraq and the Arab world.

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在上个世纪,尽管发生了大萧条,我们初具规模的全球经济还是走向了繁荣。In the last century, our nascent global economy thrived despite the Great Depression.

受澳门经济复苏的影响,其他运营商也正在推动新项目。Bouyed by Macau's nascent recovery, other operators are pushing ahead with new projects.

中国物资再生行业是朝阳事业,有着广阔的市场发展前景。China's resources recycling industry is a nascent business with vast huge market aspect.

由许多追逐小额但增长的用户群的社交化电视是一种新兴的事业。Social TV is a nascent business, with many players chasing a small but growing user base.

经济复苏的“绿芽”需要“阳光雨露”,需要悉心爱护。A nascent economic recovery needs our care, just as a green shoot needs sunshine and water.

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东盟新生的自由贸易区也排除了服务,并要小心应对劳动力流动。ASEAN’s nascent free-trade zone also excludes services, and tiptoes around labour mobility.

他觉得,这新生的异议组织要想取得成功,就需要绝地武士团的支持。He felt that the nascent rebellion needed the support of the Jedi order in order to succeed.

尽管如此,局部认可也标志着中国初生的公民社会组织已经前进了一步。Still, even local recognition marks a step forward for China's nascent civil society groups.

你初建的社区至少需要一个可以运行和测试的东西。Your nascent developer community needs to have something runnable and testable to play with.

槟榔屿初步的经济增长得部分归功于西方制造业主对中国日益增长成本的担心。Penang's nascent boom is partly fueled by Western manufacturers wary of China's rising costs.

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在四月份的时候两指数曲线收敛下聚,指数均有所下降,因其时中国政府正忙于应付新生的房地产泡沫。But it reconverged in April, as the Chinese government grappled with a nascent housing bubble.

讨论了初生态尼龙66在DSC谱上所出现的熔融双峰现象。Double melting peaks during DSC analysis for the nascent nylon 66 in this system are discussed.

这两项特徵是欧洲后共新兴民主国家所未见的。These are unique phenomena that the post-communist nascent democracies in Europe have not seen.