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它,便是手斧。it's the hand axe.

于是穆那查到了斧头那里。He came to the axe.

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削减出租车的税费。Axe the tax on taxis.

如何作斧柄?非用斧头不行。How to make an axe handle?

丽兹玻顿拿起斧头。Lizzie Borden took an axe.

利斧锋镰战旗红。Sharp sickle axe flag red.

你的斧头别伤了它!Thy axe shall harm it not!

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你的斧子别伤著它。Thy axe shall hurt it not.

搞学问的人是淡泊之人。Men of learning axe plain men.

冰镐安全抱膝客场插槽。Ice axe safety tuck-away slots.

这把斧子卷了刃了。The edge of this axe has turned.

斧子劈开了这块木头。The axe cleaved the piece of wood.

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伐木丁丁。Clang, clang goes the woodman's axe.

首先,你要有把锋利的斧子。First, you have to have a sharp axe.

请把这把斧头的刃磨快。Please sharpen the edge of this axe.

抓住斧柄然后挥砍。Grab the axe by the handle and swing.

洗脑成“杀人斧子手”如何?。How about the "Axe Murderer" brain wash?

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你那柄忠实的旧斧头已经行将就木了么?Is the old faithful axe on its last leg?

那个砍柴者举斧砍树。The woodcutter laid his axe to the tree.

突然他的斧头砍伤他的手臂。Suddenly his axe slipped and cut his arm.