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对不起,漫给窿打电话。Sorry for not phoning you.

普拉特医生正打电话给警察。Dr Pratt is phoning the police.

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贝克先生打电话给那家餐馆。Mr. Bakon is phoning the restaurant.

我正因为没钱买火车票,才打电话。phoning because I have no money for the train ticket.

我这次打电话来是想邀请你参加一个聚会。I’m phoning because I want to invite you to a party. At

过去的一周里,戴维天天晚上给詹妮打电话。David has been phoning Janie every night for the last week.

我昨晚打电话来询问登在报纸上的那份工作。I'm phoning about the job that was in the paper last night.

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他一直给我打电话,可我真不想接电话。He kept on phoning me, but l really didn't want to answer him.

从伦敦以外的地方打来电话,要先拨01再拨电话号码。If you're phoning from outside London, dial 01 in front of the number.

一个人建议说,用给朋友打电话来取代发短信。One person suggests phoning a friend instead of sending instant messages.

他宣称下一步行动就是给垃圾回收员打电话。Probably. He claims his next move was going to be phoning the garbage collector.

我从美国打的电话。我在我来之前想先订个酒店。I'm phoning from the U. S. A I want some information before making a reservation.

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打国际长途时除了要考虑时差,还要考虑国际日期变更线。Think not only of time zones when phoning abroad, but also the International Dateline.

谢谢你打电话问我是否觉得好点,你很体贴人。Thank you for phoning to see if I was feeling better --- it was very thoughtful of you.

我的中国女友在春节后要开始给公安局打电话举报非法外籍劳工。My Chinese GF will begin phoning the PSB after Spring Festival to report illegal foreign labor.

我找遍了东斯特灵,打电话给每个人看他们知道谁能踢球不。I went through that at East Stirling, phoning up people to see what they knew about each player.

不停地发短信或打电话,这种行为通常是想要夺回控制权的表现。Actions like nonstop texting or phoning often are effors to gain control back, " said Dr. Pollack.

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在去找媒体之前,考虑打电话或者写信给那些帮助事情办好的人们。Before going to the media, consider phoning or writing those who have the power to put things right.

苏珊娜•比米勒离开家去读大学后,她开始给母亲打电话,分享她生活里各种新信息。When Suzanne Biemiller moved away to college, she started phoning her mother to share updates about her life.

顾不上我还在这里买单,先生一边打着电话,一边大步走出了夜市。After leaving me paying the food, my husband hurried out of the food area while he were phoning his colleagues.