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你魔鬼的邪恶的信使。Foul pre-currer of the fiend.

我无法和一个不会付出的恶魔一起生活。Beside a fiend who cannot give!

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我还要肢解剩下的。I seek to dismember , a sadist fiend.

地穴恶魔的碰撞体积稍微增大。Crypt Fiend pathing size slightly increased.

有些人看到这个恶魔倒吸一口冷气。Some people gasped at the sight of the fiend.

直到怪物骚动了,那恶鬼,那妖魔Till the monster stirred, that demon, that fiend

61岁的佩里先生看上去很年轻,他是一个锻炼狂。Mr Perry, a young-looking 61, is a fitness fiend.

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当地人认为探险家被恶魔附身了。The natives thought the explorer was possessed by a fiend.

当地人认为,这个冒险家被一个魔鬼虏去了。The natives thought the explorer was possessed by a fiend.

据说魔鬼在那儿与他相会。It was said, that ghost and fiend consorted with him there.

这种魔怪明显是作为这个新的生态系统中的捕食者。The fiend is obviously meant to be the predator of this new ecosystem.

这样的一点点片面的食人魔和恶魔之间的斗争。It kind of makes the fight between the Ogre and the Fiend a tad one-sided.

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思嘉仿佛觉得有个小小的恶魔拿着钳子在她的眼球背后使劲拔似的。A small fiend with a pair of hot tweezers plucked behind Scarlett's eyeballs.

当催眠邪鬼离场时,将以此法移出游戏的牌移回其拥有者手上。When Mesmeric Fiend leaves play, return the removed card to its owner's hand.

终于在4天以后,才约了朋友一起到西大去转了转。Finally, 4 days later, my fiend and I had a chance to visit Guangxi University.

开玩笑不可能化敌为友,却可能让朋友反目成仇。Thou canst not joke an enemy into a friend, but thou mayest a fiend into an enemy.

一个曾经有过人心的活人已经变成专门折磨他的恶魔了!A mortal man, with once a human heart, has become a fiend for his especial torment!

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你中了什么魔了,总是不停地用那对凶眼睛瞪我?What fiend possesses you to stare back at me, continually, with those infernal eyes?

也许恶魔领主们至今还无法进入印记城,但是它们的密探、代理人和支持者们却云集于此。Maybe the fiend lords can't enter Sigil, but their agents, proxies, and sympathizers are there.

师傅,这白骨精善于变化,先后变成小女子,老太婆,老头,都是想来谋害你的。Master , this corpse fiend changed himself into a girl, old woman, old man and tried to murder you.