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有一位席埃拉是名无政府主义者。One was an anarchist.

图书馆的无政府主义者〉2002。Vaidhyanathan, Siva. "The Anarchist in the Library. " 2002.

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最激烈的无政府主义者,居然成了最露骨的变节者。The most furious anarchist become the most barefaced apostate.

两极相通。最激烈的无政府主义者,居然成了最露骨的变节者。Extremes meet. the most fur ious anarchist become the most barefaced apostate.

彻底富农式精神的Makhno无政府主义者军队就是这样。Such was the case with the anarchist army of Makhno, entirely kulak in spirit.

利昂·切奥尔格茨是公认的无政府主义者,他觉得必须“杀死一名统治者!”Leon Czolgosz was an admitted anarchist who felt that he had to " Kill a ruler!"

彼特本质上很可能是一名无政府主义者——他总是嘲笑当局。Peter is probably an anarchist AT heart—he's always cocking a snook AT authority.

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1920年代,奥威尔是一名无政府主义者,但到1930年代,他开始将自己视为一名社会主义者。An anarchist in the late 1920s, by the 1930s he had begun to consider himself a socialist.

在雅典的学生抗议中,无政府主义者对希腊的镇暴警察丢掷石块。An anarchist throws a stone at Greek riot police during a student protest in Athens June 22, 2006.

任何一个非无政府主义者都或多或少的承认至少一些政府支出是有意义的。Anyone who isn't an anarchist necessarily concedes the justification for some government spending.

罗马检察官表示他们正针对意大利和希腊两国无政府主义者组织之间的潜在联系进行调查。Prosecutors in Rome say they are looking into potential ties between anarchist groups in the two countries.

达达运动反对战争,是自然界中无政府主义者,激发了后来很多的艺术运动和知识分子运动。The movement was anti-war and anarchist in nature, inspiring many later artistic and intellectual movements.

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他们说,谁要是信奉八小时工作日,他就是国家的敌人,一个叛国者,无政府主义者。A person who believed in an eight-hour working day was, they said, an enemy to his country, a traitor, an anarchist.

津恩向我们介绍马克思的妻子珍妮,他的孩子,米哈伊尔巴枯宁的无政府主义,以及其他字符的主机。Zinn introduces us to Marx's wife, Jenny, his children, the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, and a host of other characters.

我们无政府共产者将为那些背负次级房贷的人们争取援助,并保卫他们的家园。We anarchist communists will fight for those who got homes on subprime mortgages to be bailed out and keep their homes.

在远离聚光灯多年后,欧洲无政府主义者群体这个冬天再度进入欧洲公众的视野。After many years away from the spotlight, the European anarchist group this winter to re-enter the European public view.

萨奇由于参与了诸如20世纪初期俄国革命之类的事件而被认为是个无政府主义者。Souchy was labeled as an anarchist for his participation in such things as the Russian Revolution of the early 20th century.

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有人可能会描述该项目为一名无政府主义者带领并主演的一个日益游戏,多culti青年谵妄布鲁克林。One might describe the project as an anarchist led happening starring the ever-game, multi-culti youth of delirious Brooklyn.

在十九世纪六十年代晚期,共和主义及社会主义组织,还有无政府主义组织有所复兴,如果你们愿意这么认为的话There was in the late 1860s a revival of republican and socialist organization, and of anarchist disorganization, if you will.

今年的饰物是如此的不同凡响,仿佛一场完美华丽无拘无束的庆典游过大街小巷。This year's decorations are sooo going to one-up the more perfect and WASP-y anarchist festival across the street, Flaming Dude.