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她露齿而笑以表同意。She grinned her assent.

卡克先生微笑着表示同意。Mr Carker smiled assent.

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她点头表示同意。She gave a nod of assent.

卡克先生又微笑着表示同意。Mr Carker smiled assent again.

我不能应允你的要求。I cannot assent to what you ask.

我的同意是有保留的。My assent is given with a hook at the end.

第一宗攀登额菲尔士峰壮举发生于1953年。The first assent of Mount Everest took place in 1953.

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所有军事行动都将需要伊拉克人的同意。All military operations will require the assent of Iraqis.

几个小时之后,皇家特许状获得了女王的应允。Hours later the royal charter received the queen's assent.

英雄所见略同,'她娇媚地瞟他一眼,表示赞许。Great minds think alike, ' she ogles to him expressing her assent.

我不会同意她的计划,因为计划未准备充分。I won't giv em assent to her plan because it is not well prepared.

房间里都是赞同的低语声和许多其他的问题讨论。There are murmurs of assent around the room, and other problems galore.

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自1952年以来,共批准通过3135项议会法案。Since 1952, The Queen has given Royal Assent to 3135 Acts of Parliament.

亨利五世在位时建立了一种授予御准权的新机制。A new device for granting Assent was created during the reign of Henry VIII.

洛萨嗯了一声表示赞同,也开始和迦罗娜一块推墙。Lothar grunted assent , and started to run his hands along the wall as well.

承诺是受要约人同意要约的意思表示。An acceptance is a statement made by the offeree indicating assent to an offer.

承诺是由受要约人作出的,表示同意接受要约的一种声明。An acceptance is a statement made by the offeree indicating assent to an offer.

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看在百万赏金的面子上,庄士敦点头应允。Look to go up in the face of 1 million money reward, zhuang Shidui nods assent.

然而通常情况下,御准授予是公文形式进行的。However the Royal Assent is usually granted less ceremonially by letters patent.

撤销名字需要联合国安理会五个常任理事国的同意。Delisting requires the assent of the five permanent members of the UN security council.