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玛丽埃塔是谁?或许这可以成为史蒂夫为本期报纸提供的报道。Who is Marietta? Maybe this is Steve's story for the newspaper.

出乎意料的,玛瑞埃塔突然站了起来,将空杯子放在一边桌子上。Abruptly and unexpectedly Marietta stood up, setting her empty glass on the side table.

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一个当时叫做Martin,Marietta航空航天,另外一家是。One was at that time called Martin Marietta Aerospace, Fairchild and the other was Fairchild.

RTD和马丁。马芮娜公司将会专门为马丁。马芮娜公司的员工启动两条快速通道。RTD and Martin Marietta will run two new express routes especially for Martin Marietta employees.

处理这个风险的,是我的前任,是Martin,Marietta的。The person who dealt with this risk Tom Pownall was my predecessor Tom Pownall, CEO a CEO of Martin Marietta.

在越南,我们的市场份额今年也比往年低,但是工资支出也比较低。Our Marietta share in Vietnam is lower this year than before, but at the same time our wage-bill is also lower.

葡萄酒主体现在就可能尝试要提供关于馨芳葡萄酒的一般信息或者玛丽埃塔馨芳葡萄酒的特定信息。The wine agent may now attempt to provide information concerning zinfandel in general or Marietta Zinfandel in particular.

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葡萄酒主体现在就可能尝试要提供关于馨芳葡萄酒的通用信息或者玛丽埃塔馨芳葡萄酒的特定信息。The wine agent may now attempt to provide information concerning zinfandel in general or Marietta Zinfandel in particular.

按玛丽埃塔法分三个小组。他们对公共电视节目的需求曲线,以小时T计量分别如下给出。There are three groups in Marietta. Their demand curves for public television in hours of programming, T, are given respectively by.

在他们的发现激情的推动下,那些有远见的科学家仅带着他们的藻类和他们研究的身体离开了马丁。玛丽埃塔。Driven by their passion for their discoveries, these visionary scientists spun off from Martin Marietta taking with them both their algae and their body of research.

美国俄亥俄州东南部一城市,位于玛丽埃塔以西阿巴拉契亚山脚。约797年建立,是加工业和制造业中心。人口2,2'5。A city of southeast Ohio in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains west of Marietta. Settled c. 797, it is a processing and manufacturing center. Population, 2,2'5.

雅典俄亥俄州东南部一城市,位于玛丽埃塔以西阿巴拉契亚山脚。约1797年建立,是加工业和制造业中心。人口21,265。A city of southeast Ohio in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains west of Marietta. Settled c. 1797, it is a processing and manufacturing center. Population, 21, 265.

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本文较详细地介绍了美国马丁·玛丽埃塔公司最近研究设计的一种低温上面级的布局、结构和性能。This paper describes a short, high-performance cryogenic upper stage designed by Martin Marietta for optimum performance when launched with an attached payload by an NSTS 65K Orbiter.

马泰克生物科学,成立于1985年,开始时,国防和航空航天承包商马丁马瑞塔任务少数科学家研究的有益利用藻类在长期太空飞行。Martek Biosciences, founded in 1985, began when defense and aerospace contractor Martin Marietta tasked a few scientists with studying the beneficial use of algae in long-term space flight.