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但是,恺低着头,默默无语。But Kay bowed her head.

玫琳凯喜欢这种颜色。Mary Kay liked that color.

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首先,要邀请的是乔治和凯伊。First of all, George and Kay.

恺轻蔑地望着他。Kay looked at him scornfully.

所以,Kay陷入了进退两难的窘境。So Kay has been in a dilemma.

凯比比保罗下棋下得好。Kay plays chess better than Paul.

玫琳凯是一位具有伟大信念的女性。Mary Kay was a woman of great faith.

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家兄弗雷多。这位是凯亚当斯。My brother Fredo, this is Kay Adams.

在你的内心深处会拥有玫琳凯的精神。You have the Mary Kay spirit within.

但是当时那位室友并未在屋内而凯在。The roommate was not home, but Kay was.

玫琳凯坚信我们真正的潜力。Mary Kay believed in our true potential.

有亚当、布鲁斯、安迪、朱利娅、凯等。Adam, Bruce , Andy, Julia, Kay and so on.

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人们关于凯佑说了很多客气话。People said many kind words about Kay Yow.

凯第一次开始懂了。For the first time Kay began to understand.

“加伊死了,不见了!”小小的格尔达说。"Kay is dead and gone! " said little Gerda.

当凯走进来时,他却急忙迎上前去。But when Kay walked in, he rushed up to her.

虽然我们是新朋友,但我们是永远的玫琳凯姐妹。We are new friends, forever Mary Kay sister.

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看看玫琳凯化妆品公司。Consider a cosmetic company such as Mary Kay.

早上好,这里是凯威公司。请问有什么可以帮您?Good morning. Kay and Willer. May I help you?

凯权将玩的尽兴的新兵们带回军营。Kay power will enjoy cadets back to barracks.