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除了身高以外。Besides in height.

高是多少?What is the height?

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她的身高是165厘米。Her height is 165 cm.

气圈高度小。Small balloon height.

由于这里多出来的高度。Due to the height here.

霍山城战事正酣。Huoshan height in city.

杜丽中等高度。Du Li is of medium height.

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它是四百六十八米高。It is 468 meters in height.

肩高大约在10英寸左右。Size Height about 10 inches.

这对双胞胎个头儿一样高。The twins are of equal height.

这座仿制品仅仅50米高。The copy’s height is 50 meters.

坝高50米。The dam is 50 metres in height.

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这座山有多高?What's height of this mountain?

这一对孪生儿高矮纷歧样。The twins are unequal in height.

他的身高妨碍了他的发展。He was handicapped by his height.

请按高矮次序站好。Please stand according to height.

为达到新高峰,我们努力工作。We work hard to reach new height.

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你的身高体重是多少?What's your height & your weight?

你的确切高度是一米七八。Your exact height is 1.78 meters.

它是深渊对峰巅的呼唤It is a depth calling unto a height