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阅读并补全下表。Read and fill.

填好这些个。Fill these out.

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向某人提供谋事的详情。Fill sb in on sth.

把你的水瓶灌满了吧。Fill your pitcher.

填写表格N-400。Fill out Form N-400.

你将间隔填补上了You fill in the gap.

这种食物不饱肚。The food doesn't fill.

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那是座大桥耶…注满水!!!Fill it with water! ! !

咱们把这个洞塞上。Let's fill in the hole.

回填土轻夯。Back fill light tamping.

请给我斟一满杯。Please fill me a bumper.

你是永远都填不平我的。You'll never fill me up.

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请填好这张汇款单。Please fill out the form.

当天,他美美地饱餐了一顿。That day,he ate his fill.

填写送洗表格。Fill out the laundry form.

我把广口瓶里装满水。I fill the jar with water.

隙缝中常填入润滑脂。Often fill in gaps grease.

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请填写这份表格。Please fill out this form.

不要把她的平底锅装得太满!Don't fill her pan too full!

让我的心盈满欢愉。Fill my heart with gladness.