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我是一个花花公子。I’m a dude.

没门,老兄!No way, dude.

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齐达内是个超酷花花公子吗?Is Zidane a cool dude?

你可没分给我,哥们。You don’t share, dude.

基努是我的好朋友。Keanu is my buddy dude.

这里-没错,我们动手吧,兄弟。Yeah, here we go, dude.

我现在也欠了一屁股债。I'm in the red too, dude.

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你就是这么呆,哥们"。You’re such a boob, dude.

我在更衣室一向很平静。I'm a good locker-room dude.

我的医生实在是一位酷男。My doctor is a real cool dude.

别试着去判断我。Dont ever try to judge me dude.

就是那里,兄弟,我的妈呀。That's it, dude. Of course it is.

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这个家伙总是一马当先。The dude always raced from the front.

小娃帮着爸爸看青蛙。Tops dude helping dad with his frogs.

这人是谁?我连他名字都不知道。Whos that dude? I don't even know his name.

你知道的,像我这样的美男子从来不会太过火的。You know, a dude like me can never be too ripped.

在度假牧场,他们给了一匹温和的马骑。They gave me a gentle horse to ride at the dude ranch.

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这哥们儿有6尺11寸高。还是忘了那些关于备忘录的扯淡吧。The dude is 6'11". Forget that crap about the closets."

我这样的人,可能不会像林书豪那么成熟。The type of dude I am, I might not be as mature as Jeremy.

大卫昨天晚上穿得花里花哨去参加一个聚会。David was dressed like a dude to attend a party last night.