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蝙蝠纳特用力拍小昆虫马特。The bat Nat swat at the gnat Matt.

我想看到的月球火山口纳特。I wanted to see Craters of the Moon Nat.

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什么?白雪公主没死?哈哈哈,我又有一个好主意。What?S. W is nat dead?Hahaha, I got a good idea.

那么面对日益庞大的因特网,NAT该做什么呢?So what does the size of the Internet have to do with NAT?

TURN协议是一种穿越对称NAT的技术。TURN protocol is a technique for simple traversal of UDP through NAT.

此外,基于应用层的VPN隧道可以成功穿透NAT及防火墙。In addition, application-layer VPN can successfully penetrate NAT and firewall.

如果使用NAT,每一个服务器都需要一个独立的公网IP。Speaking of NAT, EVERY server requires it's own public IP address if using NAT.

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在静态的NAT中,允许在本地和总体地址之间进行一对一的对应。Static NAT is designed to allow one-to-one mapping of local and global addresses.

纳特·科尔正和一帮大学里的朋友在西克来蒙特举行新年聚会。Nat Coil was among a group of college friends at a New Year's party in West Clairemont.

从各自的主机外出的SYN包,为他们自己的NAT产生可能的NAT状态。The outbound SYN packet from each host creates the necessary NAT state for its own NATs.

继而给出了如斜坡、山、山脊、凹地、谷地、鞍部等基本地貌形态的数学定义。These mathematical definitions make basic landform shape concept of limit determine nat.

第三和第四部份描述了我们的测试NAT和观察NAT的行为。Section 3 and Section 4 explain our setup for testing NATs and the observed NAT behavior.

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改进后的新方案经测试结果表明,可以较好地实现对对称型NAT的穿越。The experiment shows that the modified solution can work well for symmetric NAT traversal.

☆基于NAT的混合型防火墙在西北某市城市防控体系中的应用测试。A test of the hybrid firewall based on NAT in the northwest city defense and control system.

猜纳省最有名气的是飞鸟种类多,其中这个雀园声称是亚洲最大。Chai Nat is famous for its bird, they claimed to have the biggest bird sanctuary in SE Asia.

拉贾斯坦邦焦特布尔市外游牧者正在表演杂技,鼓声吸引了一群人围观。Drumbeatsdraw a crowd as acrobats from the Nat nomadic group perform outsideJodhpur in Rajasthan.

“让变化,不讼”是一个联合咨询纳特,把发布的美国公民自由联盟,高兴,拉姆达法律。"Make Change, Not Lawsuits" is a joint advisory put released by the ACLU, GLAD, Lambda Legal, Nat.

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NAT同时可以减少去为需要外部存取的主机重新指定地址的工作,因此可以节省时间和金钱。NAT eliminates the need to readdress all hosts that require external access, saving time and money.

女同性恋权利中心,联邦平等,自由结婚,GLAAD,人权运动和纳特。Center for Lesbian Rights, Equality Federation, Freedom to Marry, GLAAD, Human Rights Campaign and Nat.

我把这些想法发布在Radar的backchannel列表上,Nat对此给出了自己的看法。I posted some of these thoughts to the Radar backchannel list and Nat responded with his usual insight.