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许多人还用传统的犯罪学思考问题。Many still think in terms of traditional criminology.

从广义上讲,犯罪学包括刑罚学。In a wide sense of the word, criminology includes penology.

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其类型可分为犯罪学类型和刑法学类型。It consists of the type of criminology and Criminal Law Science.

民俗文化在犯罪学中有著重要的功用。The culture of folk-custom was of great importance n criminology.

民俗文化在犯罪学中有着重要的功用。The culture of folk-custom was of great importance in criminology.

加罗法罗的“自然犯罪观”是道德犯罪学的启蒙。The Garofalo's theory of nature crime was the dawn of the moral criminology.

研究犯罪学的专家说,有些罪行似乎会蔓延的。And experts who study criminology say that some crimes do seem to be contagious.

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我们同时招收许多具有社会学和犯罪学学位的大学毕业生来从事犯罪分析。We also attract a lot of sociology and criminology graduates to be crime analysts.

犯罪学理论的发展为刑罚轻缓化提供了科学实证根据。The theory of criminology is the scientific foundation of mitigation of punishment.

犯罪防治系师资阵容及论文发表数量全国第一。Dep . of Criminology has the highest quality of faculty and publications in this field.

中国古代的犯罪学思想最早可追溯到夏商周三代时期。The thoughts on criminology originated in Xia, Shang and Zhou Periods in ancient China.

侵犯著作权犯罪在刑法学和犯罪学上具有不同的意义。The crime of infringement on copyright has different meaning in criminal law and criminology.

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越轨行为是一种常见的社会现象,也是犯罪学的研究对象之一。Deviant behavior is a common social phenomenon, which is also an object of study of criminology.

进入2006年,我国犯罪学发展已经显现出一种进行知识整理和提速成熟的态势。In 2006, China's criminology research experiences a knowledge-integrating and speeding-up trend.

网络犯罪是伴随网络的产生而出现的一种新型犯罪。So far experts have not agreed on the concept of cyber-crime from the perspective of criminology.

按学科功能归类,犯罪学可以归于刑事科学。According to the category of discipline functions, criminology can be included in criminal science.

被害人学与犯罪学之间的关系问题是学界的一个宿疑。The relationship between victimology and criminology is a longstanding issue within the academic realm.

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此卷是一种专论补编系列之一的刑法和犯罪学杂志。This volume is one of a series of Monograph Supplements to the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology.

我甚至在一本关于犯罪学的书上读到过流浪是种隔代遗传现象,是向人类之游牧阶段的回归。I have even read in a book of criminology that the tramp is an atavism , a throw-back to the nomadic stage of humanity.

犯罪学与犯罪学学科是不同的两种事物,二者的独立性条件不同。The criminology is different from the criminological subjects. The conditions that make them independently are different.