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朗多对比卢普斯三节的防守十分成功。Rondo did his with three quarters of brilliant defense on Chauncey Billups.

卡梅隆安东尼也可能会试水自由球员市场,比卢普斯也没有其它更好的选择。Carmelo Anthony might test that same market and Chauncey Billups could be left with no other choice.

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这样比卢普斯和安东尼各自站一端,同时安东尼就会有很好的背身位置。Now you have Chauncey and Carmelo isolated on one side of the floor with Melo having great post position.

虽然最后昌西-比卢普斯得到了总决赛MVP,但是人们都能真真切切地感受到华莱士所付出的努力和他的存在。Though Chauncey Billups was the MVP, Wallace's efforts were accounted for and his presence is still felt.

康纳特和昌西最终造就的就是那些专业精英,那些全球化时代的弄潮儿。What Conant and Chauncey ultimately created was the professional elite, who are today globalization’s shock troopers.

比卢普斯也许会提供掘金挺过季后赛首轮需要的领袖能力和关键球的处理能力。Chauncey Billups might just provide the leadership and clutch play needed to bring the Nuggets beyond the first round.

在拉斯维加斯,比卢普斯和德龙-威廉姆斯都没能表现出很大的优势,这对2008年美国队来说是很压头的事情。With Chauncey Billups and Deron Williams having not shown to best advantage in Las Vegas, one of the most pressing needs for the 2008 U.

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在拉斯维加斯,比卢普斯和德龙-威廉姆斯都没能表现出很大的优势,这对2008年美国队来说是很压头的事情。With Chauncey Billups and Deron Williams having not shown to best advantage in Las Vegas, one of the most pressing needs for the 2008 U. S.

而销售营销联盟的昌西莫里斯说要慎重考虑的是便宜的马并不一定代表长期驯养也很便宜。But Chauncey Morris, its sales marketing associate, cautions against thinking a less expensive horse will be less expensive in the long run.

整个丹佛掘金的组织都应该为赛季早期的艾佛森与比卢普斯的交易而大加称赞。The entire Denver Nuggets organization should pat themselves on the back for trading away Allen Iverson for Chauncey Billups earlier this season.

底特律最近联系了丹佛,两个球队为交换安东尼和比卢普斯与普林斯有了多次谈话。Denver was recently contacted by Detroit, and the two clubs had several conversations about swapping Anthony for Chauncey Billups and Tayshaun Prince.

在同日另一场西部季后中,西部排名老二的丹佛掘金以113比84轻松战胜新奥尔良黄蜂。昌西-比卢普斯狂掠36分。In the day's other West play-off contest, the second-seeded Denver Nuggets crushed the New Orleans Hornets 113-84 behind 36 points by Chauncey Billups.

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于是他前往莫斯科,接下来发生的事情在克林姆林宫的观察家们看来,就像是一部小说。So Putin headed to Moscow. What transpired next seemed to Kremlin watchers as unlikely as Chauncey Gardiner\'s unwitting rise to power in the Jerzy Kosinski novel Being There.

比卢普斯是投手中的投手,比赛打得好时一般不上,但如果打得没有激情,教练就会派他。Chauncey Billups, Mr. Big Shot himself, probably won't be on the floor if a game is on the line down the stretch, but he'll be asked to provide emotional support to those who are.

虽然昌西本人算不上一位高水平的应试者,但他却相信通过考试可以赋予美国精英阶层一种“天然的高贵权”,并为一个有序的,精英治理的社会奠定基础。A mediocre test-taker himself, Chauncey believed that tests would filter into the US elite ‘a natural aristocracy,’ and this would be the basis for an orderly and meritocratic society.

虽然昌西本人算不上一位高水平的应试者,但他却相信通过考试可以赋予美国精英阶层一种“天然的高贵权”,并为一个有序的,精英治理的社会奠定基础。A mediocre test-taker himself, Chauncey believed that tests would filter into the US elite ‘a natural aristocracy, ’ and this would be the basis for an orderly and meritocratic society.

他还令到之前三届的全明星汉密尔顿和比卢普斯的上场时间减少,这都是为了保障斯塔基能获得至少30分钟的上场时间。He has vowed to cut the minutes of Rip Hamilton and Chauncey Billups, each of whom has played in the previous three All-Star Games, in order to ensure that Stuckey gets at least 30 minutes per game.