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我当时在佩鲁贾一个朋友的公寓里。I was at a friend’s apartment in Perugia.

意大利中部佩鲁贾东南偏东一城镇。A town of central Italy east-southeast of Perugia.

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花上一天时间游览佩鲁贾和拉戈迪博尔塞纳华丽的大学城。Take day trips to the gorgeous university town of Perugia and the Lago di Bolsena.

是的,不过我指的是我在佩鲁贾效力时与特纳纳的德比战。Yes, I was referring specifically to the derbies I played with Perugia against Ternana.

克尔彻一家坚决认为他们仍对佩鲁贾警方,调查者和法庭有信心。The Kercher family insisted they still had faith in the Perugia police, investigators and the court.

他的职业生涯在00-01赛季随着佩鲁贾升入甲级联赛产生了飞跃,在那年,他一跃成为一名出色的中场组织者。His big break came with Perugia during the 2000-01 Serie A campaign where he excelled as a playmaker.

前中国国家队队长马明宇曾经在佩鲁贾有失败的八个月意甲经历。Former Chinese national team captain Ma Mingyu spent eight months with Perugia in 2000 but failed to start a Serie A.

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这个“能量屋顶”将成为一个用于展览佩鲁贾历史的地下展览馆的入口。The ‘Energy Roof’ will serve as the entrance to the underground public gallery space exhibiting the history of Perugia.

这位老伤并未痊愈的阿根廷中场大师,正被拉齐奥,帕尔马和佩鲁贾密切注意。The Argentinean midfielder, who has now fully recovered from his injury, is closely monitored by Lazio, Parma and Perugia.

这位日本的王牌曾经在佩鲁贾贡献过很出色的影响力,然而去了罗马,帕尔玛,博罗尼亚可以看出他不时的在奋斗挣扎。The Japanese ace made a sensational impact at Perugia but moves to Roma, Parma and Bologna have seen him struggle at times.

大慢猴98年加盟斑马军团,在此后的六个赛季里,曾间或被租借到恩波利,赛维利亚和佩鲁贾锻炼。He joined the Bianconeri in 1998 and in all played six seasons in Turin, interspersed with loan spells at Empoli, Sevilla and Perugia.

两名球员周一在佩鲁贾接受了森努尼教授的检查,他们康复情况良好。Both players underwent a biomechanical test on Monday in Perugia under Professor Cerulli. The recovery of both players is progressing well.

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15世纪意大利佩鲁贾的乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯·但丁用铁翼和羽毛尝试飞行,他擦过广场摔落在教堂顶上。Giovanni Battista Danti tried it with pinions of iron and feathers in 15th-century Perugia hurtling over the piazza and crash-landing on the church.

诺克斯和Sollecito在2009年被定罪的性侵犯和谋杀克尔彻,共享公寓在佩鲁贾诺克斯的一名21岁的英国学生。Knox and Sollecito were convicted in 2009 of sexually assaulting and murdering Kercher, a 21-year-old British student who shared an apartment with Knox in Perugia.

意大利后卫明天将在佩鲁贾接受塞卢利教授的检查,如果能赶上周六的比赛注册的话,他将可以立刻出场比赛。The defender will tomorrow undergo a bio-mechanical test in Perugia with Professor Cerulli. If on Saturday progress is registered he will be able to make a quick return.

这个来自西雅图的24岁女子,与其共同被告兼前男友,从佩鲁贾法庭开始审理2007年11月发生的谋杀案起便被一直关在铁窗之后。The 24-year-old from Seattle who has beenbehind bars since the November 2007 murder was in the Perugia courtroom, as washer co-defendant and onetime boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito.

科斯米在最近刚刚被任命位布雷西亚队的主教练,但这位前佩鲁贾主帅通过3比1击败领头羊尤文图斯证明了自己的能力,给人留下了深刻印象。Serse Cosmi has only been appointed as coach of the Rondinelle recently, but the former Perugia coach has already left his mark with an impressive 3-1 win over league leaders Juventus.

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我拒绝给一个断送了意大利足球的球员发工资--佩鲁贾队主席卢西亚诺-高奇在他旗下的韩国前锋安贞焕把意大利队赶出世界杯之后如是说。I refuse to pay a salary to a player who has ruined Italian football ? AC Perugia president Luciano Gaucci after his club's Korean Republic striker Ahn Jung-Hwan knocked Italy out of the World Cup.

我拒绝给一个断送了意大利足球的球员发工资——佩鲁贾队主席卢西亚诺-高奇在他旗下的韩国前锋安贞焕把意大利队赶出世界杯之后如是说。I refuse to pay a salary to a player who has ruined Italian football ? AC Perugia president Luciano Gaucci after his club's Korean Republic striker Ahn Jung-Hwan knocked Italy out of the World Cup.