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她非常凶狠。She's quite fierce.

好一个硬骨头老家伙!What a fierce old fellow!

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这个人样子真凶。This chap looks really fierce.

我们的皮肤苍白,眼神残忍?Our white skin, our fierce eyes?

摩罗乃是一个厉害的将军。Moroni was a very fierce general.

狂风刮过一阵以后停息下来。The fierce wind raved itself out.

小狗不停地哑声吠叫。The dog gave several fierce barks.

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狂风把门刮得格格作响。The fierce wind rattled the doors.

而且,巨鲸面临着激烈的竞争。And Top100 faces fierce competition.

貂熊是一中小而猛烈的动物。A wolverine is a small fierce mammal.

这所房子由一条猛犬看守。The house is guarded by a fierce dog.

极度崇尚个人自由A fierce belief in individual liberty.

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貂熊是一种小型,凶猛的哺乳动物。A wolverine is a small, fierce mammal.

有些学生热衷于激烈的辩论。Some students riot in fierce argument.

灼热的阳光炙烤着光秃秃的大地。The fierce sun parched the bare earth.

经过一番恶斗,罗宾汉杀死了盖伊。After a fierce fight, Robin killed Guy.

他笑得像四十磅大炮一样狰狞。He smiled as fierce as a forty-pounder.

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活火,是炭有焰,其火势生猛。Free flame is charcoal with fierce fire.

我的小拇指快痛死了。My little finger hurts something fierce.

这小女孩往后退以躲避恶狗。The girl backed away from the fierce dog.