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养蜂场有人失踪吗?Anyone Missing at the Apiary?

我姐姐被派去负责养蜂场。My sister was put in charge of the apiary.

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我们去了一个养蜂场,得到真正的张用于蜜蜂蜡。We went to an apiary and got real sheets of used bees wax.

放在蜂场附近的诱捕箱不会导致蜂群分蜂。Swarm Traps used in an Apiary will not cause managed colonies to swarm.

蜜蜂饲养是在男子中所谓蜂巢这是保存在一个位置称为蜂房。Bee rearing is done in a man made box called hives which are kept in a location called Apiary.

蜂蜜的收获等生产活动都记录在养蜂场登记簿中。The removals of the supers and the honey extraction operations are recorded in the apiary register.

已经退休的养蜂场的督察员彼德,立刻在维多利亚成立回应单位。Apiary Inspector Peter Kaczynski came out of retirement to put together this rapid response unit for the State of Victoria.

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现自有蜂场十二处,合作蜂场八十余处,近五千余蜂群,在养蜂领域具有良好的知名度。Is presently innate apiary 12, cooperation apiary 80, the nearly 5000 colonies, are raising bees the domain to have the good popularity.

荔枝林深处,隐隐露出一角白屋,那是温泉公社的养蜂场,却起了个有趣的名儿,叫“蜜蜂大厦”。Half hidden in the depths of the litchi orchard was a white apiary run by the warm springs commune which they jokingly referred to as the bees'mansion.

公司建有蜂产品综合加工厂1个、种蜂场1个、示范养蜂场2个、合同养蜂场165个,蜂群总数达15000箱。The company sets up the product of bee synthesizes the 1 processing plant and grow 165 a 1 apiary 2 apiaries, the bee a total amount amounts to 15000 boxes.

建造蜂巢必须满足某些要求的规格和尺寸是非常关键的,使蜂巢家常的蜜蜂殖民期间和之后的蜂房。The construction of the hives must meet certain required specification and dimensions that are very critical in making the hives homely for the bees during and after colonization of the apiary.