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它非常的五彩缤纷。It’s very colourful.

一张五颜六色的席子做!A colourful mat is done!

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我觉得我们的生活丰富多彩。I think our life is colourful.

那件艳丽的女装多少钱?。How much is this colourful dress?

李玲喜好穿颜色鲜艳地衣服。Ms likes to wear colourful clothes.

是平静地生活还是多姿多采?Do they live a quiet or colourful life?

我们的生活比以前更丰富多彩了。Our life is more colourful than before.

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所以他的水晶饰品非常的华美。So his crystal works were very colourful.

彩色的邮票上窜出一只跳跃的羚羊。An antelope leapt across a colourful stamp.

柏柏尔小地毯可以当色彩艳丽的壁毯。A Berber rug makes a colourful wall-hanging.

维多利亚内港是个多姿多彩的地方。The Inner Harbour is a very colourful place.

有多少艳慕的目光,嫉妒的心灵?How many colourful admire eyes, jealous heart?

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那件艳丽的女装多少钱?。How much is it Is it colourful It is colourful.

桑迪经常用彩色的纸做卡片。Sandy often makes cards out of colourful paper.

我们,把数不清的七彩酒精灌下肚,醉了。Gulping cups of colourful alcohol, we get drunk.

昌乐小学的校园丰富多彩,教学设备很好。The school is very colourful and well- equipped.

他们在大学里过着忙碌而又丰富多彩的生活。They lead a busy and colourful life on the campus.

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香包小孩喜欢搜集鲜艳的香包。The children love to collect the colourful sachets.

铁线莲,它是一种开着极其鲜艳大花朵的攀缘植物…It's a climbing plant that has large colourful flowers!

艾警长又怎样将艳女绳之于法呢?Ai and how will the sheriff colourful female to justice?