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攻击无知觉的东西是徒劳的。It is useless attacking the insensible.

掌握不感蒸发与发汗。To master insensible evaporation and sweating.

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这就是类比在理解无法感觉到的事物中的作用。Such is analogy's power to make sense of the insensible.

乔治是一个严肃的人,对这一套诱惑人的手腕无动于衷。George was a serious man and insensible to such enticements.

而在停止无理追求后所省下的资源,就能用以援助需要的对象。The saved resources from insensible pursues could be used on those really in need.

糖尿病伴高渗昏迷或乳酸性酸中毒病人。DiabeticAccompany tall ooze insensible or acid of lactic acid sex is toxic patient.

让自己对痛苦麻痹,我们也必然丧失快乐的可能性。To render ourselves insensible to pain we must forfeit also the possibility of happiness.

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在昏迷中,曹东生的灵魂回到了家,他并不知道自己已经死了。Be in insensible in, cao Dongsheng's soul returned the home, he does not know he had died.

脑细胞缺氧早期发生头痛、头昏、严重者致昏迷。Cerebral cell is anoxic inchoate happening have a headache, dazed, serious person send insensible.

尽管她对他的厌恶之心是根深蒂固的,她究竟不能对这样一个男人的一番盛情漠然无动于衷。In spite of her deeply-rooted dislike, she could not be insensible to the compliment of such a man.

无数的生灵被残忍的杀害,仅仅是为了满足日本不断增长的野心。Countless people have died horridness unthinkable death to fit Japan's insensible appetitive ambition.

既然温特沃思真的要来乡下,她必须告诫自已在这种问题上不要神经过敏。Since he actually was expected in the country, she must teach herself to be insensible on such points.

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但是那位可怜,身处不幸中的不幸者也许又是笑来又是唱,对自己悲惨毫无所知。But the poor wretch, who is in it, laughs and sings perhaps, and is altogether insensible of his own misery.

“我正坐在博士富兰克林,”他回忆道,“谁知道我没有昏迷这些碎尸。”"I was sitting by Dr. Franklin, " he recalled, "who perceived that I was not insensible to these mutilations.

凡自命对文学有一丁点鉴赏力的人,都不可能对希腊罗马的吸引力无动于衷。No one who has the slightest pretension to literary tastes can be insensible to the attraction of Greece and Rome.

当酒吧间里多少清静下来以后,只见硬汉子彼尔人事不醒地躺在地上,头上裂了个大口子。When the bar was more or less cleared, Tough Bill was lying insensible on the floor with a great gash in his head.

我真感到奇怪,梅休竟会找这么可爱的海岛定居,我实在不相信还有谁会比他对美更无动于衷了。I find it strange that Mayhew should have settled on this lovely island, for I never knew a man more insensible to beauty.

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为了帮女同事偿还高利贷,夜里不幸被街市小混混砍伤昏迷街头。Repay to help female fellow worker usurious, at night unfortunate by downtown streets small mix mix cut insensible street corner.

只要增多的非显性失水得到补偿,发热本身对儿童通常不会有什么重大的危险。Fever per se is not usually of any significant danger to the child, provided that the increased insensible water loss is replaced.

要是误食了夹竹桃,婴幼儿即会出现呕吐、腹痛、昏迷等种种急性中毒症状。If fed oleander by accident, the infant can appear namely vomiting, bellyache, insensible wait for a variety of virulent poisoning symptoms.