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倾空你的思想,无形无式,如水一般。Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless --- like water.

那本书是一堆自相矛盾的草稿的汇编。The book is a shapeless mass of contradictory rough drafts.

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那在沙上弯着腰,抱头跌坐的一大堆是什么?What shapeless lump is that, bent, crouch'd there on the sand?

天冷一些的时间,他就在衬衫表面套上松松垮垮的灰毛衣。When it was colder he wore over this a shapeless gray sweater.

带着诅咒的宿命,照亮黑暗。我不久就会转化为一团。Lighting darkness, with fate unblessed , I soon devolve to shapeless mess.

只是一个不成形的侏儒,睡眼朦胧地在雾中行走,寻找自己的觉醒。But a shapeless pigmy that walks asleep in the mist searching for its own awakening.

萨缪尔森先生的这本书成了一件约束经济学知识这个无形躯体的紧身衣。Mr Samuelson's book squeezed a shapeless body of economic knowledge into a tight corset.

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用来裹脚的毯子已经磨坏了,他的脚也变成了惨不成形的肉团。He had worn through the blanket-wrappings, and his feet were shapeless lumps of raw meat.

脚下裹的毯子都磨穿了,脚也被磨得没一处好肉。He had worn through the blanket- wrappings , and his feet were shapeless lumps of raw meat.

没法说更多的了——为了抵御寒冷,她把自己裹在一件不成样子的皮大衣里。It was impossible to tell more—she was bundled into a shapeless parka against the raw cold.

中间那堵墙有个怪形牛眼洞,也许是个炸弹窟窿。The wall at the bottom has a sort of shapeless loophole, possibly the hole made by a shell.

丑恶,就象月光把西部城镇横七竖八的街道美化了一样。Humour softened a swindle as moonlight beautified the shapeless streets of the Western town.

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从前,由于呆板的发型和风格全无的着装,她看起来就像一个老妇女。She used to come across like an old woman with her unflattering hairstyle and shapeless clothes.

正象雕塑家将未成形的石头雕成雕塑,生活也可以是我们所希望的那样。Life can be anything what we want to make it. As a sculptor carves a statue from shapeless stone.

就像日常生活中的同名同姓,这种混沌是无序的、乌有的、不能完全想象的无形状态。Like its namesake in daily life, this Chaos was an un-ordered, un-anything, not quite imaginable, shapeless state.

王翠华把不成形的嫩豆腐紧紧包裹起来,挤压出水分后,豆腐才会成形。Wang Cuihua tightly wraps the shapeless tender tofu with gauze and squeezes out the water. Then the tofu takes shape.

也如雕刻家一样,他们总是在寻找那种隐藏在看似不成形的大众生活经验下的潜在的格式。Like the sculptor, they are always looking for potential form hidden under the seemingly shapeless mass of lived experience.

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一盏路灯照红了河岸的边石,那些桥的影子前后排列着在迷雾中都变了形。A street lantern reddened the margin of the quay. The outlines of the bridges lay shapeless in the mist one behind the other.

内裤和胸罩常常变了形,更像是空降兵的一只轻便降落伞。Very often these were shapeless pants and a bra of the same kind, more resembling a portable parachute of the Airborne troops.

入出而无见其形,使得上帝适存于任何时空,毋宁是一种聪明而合理的说法。It is rather a wise and rational saying that the God that is invisible and shapeless in action is suitable for any age and space.