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首先所有的政治依然是地区化的。Above all politics remains stubbornly local.

但那时,北约仍是固执己见。But its thinking remained stubbornly the same.

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它倔强地重复着孔德的谬论。It stubbornly repeats all the fallacies of Comte.

还是他贪心,过于轻信或者顽固地对事实视而不见?Was he greedy, or gullible, or stubbornly blind to the truth?

“这儿经常有土人经过呢,”他顽固地说。"There are always natives passing through, " he said stubbornly.

你还在因为卡债压的你死死的而烦恼吗?You also in because the card debt presses but you stubbornly worry?

区分对立两种的倾向在人类思考中顽固不化、处处都有。The tendency to dichotomize is stubbornly pervasive in human thought.

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殖民主义者大肆烧杀,顽固防守他们吞并的领土。The colonialists stubbornly defended their annexations with fire and sword.

而我,固执的相信,这种情感,在我的生命中,只有一次。And I stubbornly believe that such love can only be experienced once in my life.

卖家却死活不承认,硬说是我弄坏的。Sell the home however anyway does not admit, insisting stubbornly is my bang up.

然而,在过去十年的大多时间里,孕产妇死亡的数量却平稳处在高位。Yet, for much of the decade, the number of maternal deaths stayed stubbornly high.

我已经给了你们很多机会投降,但你们还是冥顽不灵!I have given you ample opportunities to surrender, but you have stubbornly refused!

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你为何这样固执,固执地独自承受命运的欺凌,隐忍着所有的悲伤。Why do you so stubborn, stubbornly bear alone, the fate of the grief of all enduring.

同时,普京顽固地阻挠关于科索沃独立的欧洲提议。Meanwhile, Putin has stubbornly blocked a European proposal for independence in Kosovo.

假如台湾领导人坚持继续追求独立,那就犯了大错。If Taiwan's leader stubbornly continues to pursue independence, he may fall on his face.

风雨万千年,但大澳的拱形石英砂岩柱仍然顽强地屹立不倒。A quartz sandstone arch in Tai O stubbornly resists the perennial onslaught of the weather.

黄婆婆和老伴立即死死抱住男子,要求还回项链。Huang mother-in-law and his wife immediately stubbornly cling to men, also asked to necklaces.

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我与一个想减肥却坚决不愿节食和运动的朋友一同尝试了这个新方法。I check in with a mate who wants to lose weight but is stubbornly anti-diet and exercise-averse.

参孙的父母亲试著阻止他娶外邦女子,但固执的参孙心意已定,无法劝服。His parents tried to stop him, but Samson had stubbornly made up his mid and could not be dissuaded.

然而,政府债券收益率依然低迷,至于生活水平,总的来说,是很高的。Yet government-bond yields have remained stubbornly low and living standards, by and large, are high.