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我认为曾轶可更红。Well, I think Zeng Yike is more poplular.

快女曾轶可真的该备受“争议”吗?Do you believe the Happy Girl "Zeng Yike" should be in dispute?

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她确实是备受争议啊。因此我不能绝对的说喜欢她还是讨厌她。So "Zeng Yike" should be in dispute. I can't say 'like her' or 'hate her' absolutely.

深层组织亦可发生毛细血管瘤,如咬肌、腮腺。Depth organizes tumour of Yike happening blood capillary, if bite flesh, parotid gland.

艾柯机械有限公司是新加坡建和集团中国独资子公司。Yike Machinery Co. , Ltd. of Singapore and construction of wholly-owned subsidiary of China Group.

最近网上疯传曾轶可要去北京第二外国语学院读书了。Recently, it is crazily said that Yike Zeng will go to study in Beijing International Studies University.

曾轶可在选秀比赛中不仅因她的“绵羊音”,也因为她的自创歌曲而一夜成名。Zeng Yike became famous overnight for her self-composed songs as well as her "sheep voice" in the talent contest.

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高品质的产品和专业的服务一定会让您成为艾柯轧辊互惠互利的长期合作伙伴!High-quality products and professional services will let you become Yike Roll mutually beneficial long-term partner!

清代伊克昭盟的人口数字,尤其是蒙古族的人口数字一直比较模糊。The figure of population of Yike Zhao League, especially that of Mongolia, has never been clear in the Qing Dynasty.

我认为曾轶可更红。她是今年快乐女生十强之一,但是一直引起激烈的争议。Well, I think Zeng Yike is more poplular. She is top 10 of happy girls this year but always arouse bitter controversy.

目前艾柯轧辊启动了一期规划,锻钢轧辊和剪板机刀片是公司的主要产品。Currently Yike Roll launched a plan, forged steel roller blade and cutting plate machine is the company's main products.

不过此后主场作战的邱贻可显得略为保守,这样就给了徐克足够的搏杀空间。Since then, however, the home appears to be somewhat conservative, Qiu Yike , which gives the fight Tsui Hark enough space.

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并详细介绍了塔式制麦的优点,以及垦3大麦,在塔式制麦中的应用。In this paper, the advantages of tower malting system and its application are introduced taking the YIKE no. 3 as an example.

随后,中国乒乓球队开出罚单,邱贻可被罚款1万元,停赛半年,留队察看一年。Subsequently, the Chinese table tennis team out tickets, Qiu Yike was fined 10,000 yuan, suspended for six months, the team to stay View a year.

加盟商有当地特有的资源优势,伊珂莱连锁总部提供专业、持续化的各方面支持,真正体现强强联盟!Franchisee has the unique local resource advantages, Yike Lai chain headquarters to provide professional, continuing in all aspects of support, truly reflects strong alliance!

但在关键时刻邱贻可顶住压力耐心与对手周旋,最终徐克接发球下网,邱贻可11-6赢得决胜局的胜利。But at the crucial moment Qiu Yike patience to withstand pressure to deal with opponents, Tsui Hark final return of serve under the net, Qiu Yike 11-6 victory to win the tie breaker.

最后,根据本文研究内容规划和设计了重庆亿科电气连锁制造链的协同质量管理模式和信息化支持平台。Finally, the most of the research conclusion of this paper has been used to plan and design the collaborative quality management model and information platform of Chongqing Yike Co. Ltd.

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在前面复原工作的基础上,作者分别从载畜量和畜牧业生产方式角度对鄂尔多斯高原牧业生产的环境效应进行剖析。Based on the former results, it anatomized the environmental effect of livestock husbandry in Yike Shao League through quantity of domestic animals the area bred and the mode of production it used.

对外界刺激的兴奋性增强,吞咽时喉头发生痉挛,甚至闻水声亦可发作,故又称“恐水病”。What stimulate to the outside is stimulant increase, hair of the larynx when deglutition gives birth to convulsion, hear even underwater acoustic Yike breaks out, friend says again " hydrophobic ".

结果,积极主动的邱贻可完全占据了上风,在以3∶0完胜王励勤的同时也帮助球队以3∶1击败上海队,赢得新赛季首胜。As a result, pro-active Qiu Yike dominated the upper hand in the 3-0 victory to Wang Liqin at the same time help the team's 3-1 victory over the Shanghai team, won the first victory of the new season.