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她转过头十分诱惑地看着我。She turns to look at me seductively.

白血病能冶好吗?。Can leukaemia seductively dressed or made up?

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她跳舞时诱人地摆动着臀部。She swayed her hips seductively as she danced.

之后,我的医生诱惑性地给了我一份医嘱清单。Afterward, my doctor seductively gives me a list of things to do.

它们环顾四周,以一种勾引的姿态羞耻地寻找着买主!And they glanced around so seductively in their humiliation in search of a buyer!

在这样的羞耻中,他们又是那样的诱惑着寻找买家。And they glanced around so seductively in their humiliation in search of a buyer !

橡木和黑色水果的风味十分均衡,令此酒回味柔顺迷人。The balance of wood and black fruits creates a velvety, seductively smooth finish.

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阳光普照爱琴市,科林斯湾海域的水面撩人地波光闪闪。When the sun rises over Aigio, the waters in the Gulf of Corinth shimmer seductively.

蓝色的手臂如水般流过他的双肩,光滑的尾巴充满诱惑地绕住他的手腕。Blue arms flowed over his shoulders as a smooth tail coiled seductively around his waist.

而且,如我所说,水温低并不意味着你只能让路亚在底部蠕动,你的路亚可以有更多的动作。And, like I said, the cold water doesn't rule out action lures that do more than crawl seductively over the bottom.

“我们要确信你的皮肤没有油脂、污垢或污垢安乐窝,”我的美容医师诱惑性地解释道。"We want to make sure your epidermis is free of any oils, dirt or comfort, " my dermatologist explains seductively.

俩人洗一个甜蜜的泡泡澡,喝红酒,吃巧克力草莓蛋糕,诱惑力非凡地喂到对方嘴里。Take a romantic bubble bath together, with wine and chocolate-covered strawberries, and feed them to each other seductively.

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这幅画像中,凯特侧躺于沙发上,一丝不挂,仅有脖子上湛蓝色的宝石项链,表情性感妩媚,含情脉脉。The famous picture shows Kate's character, Rose, seductively lying on a couch wearing nothing but the iconic blue diamond necklace.

晴美做的小菜颜色惹人,只不过是用甜咸味噌酱将焯过的青豆、西兰花、花菜拌好而已。Harumi makes a seductively colorful side dish by dressing lightly blanched green beans, broccoli, and cauliflower in a salty-sweet miso dressing.

他穿着深色而幽暗的晚礼服,在他的后面是模糊的好莱坞的灯光,一只云斯顿香烟诱惑地从烟盒里滑出,他就这样拍照。Dark and brooding, in a tux and with vaguely Hollywood lights blurring behind him, he was photographed sliding a Winston seductively from its packet.

我们美丽的内裤的诱惑留在设计,让您可以与您的合作伙伴互动谨慎,自发,没有障碍。Our beautiful panties are seductively designed to stay ON so that you can interact with your partner discreetly, spontaneously, and without barriers.

长久以来,人们认为肚皮舞是专给艺人跳来引诱男人的,也认为是中东女性的专属,她们很小就学习跳这种舞。Belly dancing was long thought to be the province of entertainers dancing seductively for men and of Middle Eastern women who learned the moves early.

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许家瑜以陶瓷创作的巨大冰淇淋,呈现诱人的凉爽感,让人忍不住想靠近舔舐一口。Hsu Chia-Yu uses ceramics to create this giant ice cream that emits off a seductively refreshing feeling, and makes one just want to get nearer to take a lick.

她撅着小嘴儿露着一排牙齿,用充满诱惑的眼神看着镜头,毫无疑问,她的外形的确是遗传了爸爸的性感双唇和妈妈的妖娆身姿。And with her gap-toothed pout staring seductively at the camera, there's no mistaking the looks inherited from father Sir Mick and supermodel mother Jerry Hall.

我的医生诱惑性地通知我,也许我应当做‘克卡热疗’-----相当昂贵的疗程,就是用高频无线电波冲疗脸面。My doctor seductively informs me that perhaps I should have thermage — an even more expensive procedure where the face is blasted with high-frequency radio waves.