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巴拉克拉瓦是塞瓦斯托波尔的一个偏远的地区。Balaclava is a remote district of Sevastopol.

在南方,德国人占领了塞瓦斯托波尔。In the south, the Germans captured Sevastopol.

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塞瓦斯托波尔之战苏德两方付出了代价都是极高的。The battle of Sevastopol was costly for both sides.

1944年5月9日,塞瓦斯托波尔从德国人手中被解放出来。On May 9, 1944, Sevastopol was liberated from the Germans.

塞瓦斯托波尔解放的荣誉。战后的塞瓦斯托波尔。Glory to the liberators of Sevastopol. “Sevastopol after the war.

因特曼是塞瓦斯托波尔的一个乡村小城镇。Inkerman the cave townInkerman is a small town in the countryside of Sevastopol.

米哈伊洛夫卡炮台炮兵基地建立在塞瓦斯托波尔湾北部。The Mikhaylovka casemate artillery unit was built in the north of Sevastopol Bay.

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1942年8月4日,一辆德国装甲车行驶在乌克兰塞瓦斯托波尔市的瓦砾间,这座城市曾经是苏联的前沿堡垒。A German armored car amidst the debris of the Soviet fortress Sevastopol in Ukraine on August 4, 1942.

他的照片曾作为纽伦堡大审判的证据,尤其是那些在塞瓦斯托波尔拍摄的作品。Photos of Evgeny Khaldei were among evidences at the Nuremberg trials, especially those made in Sevastopol.

亚努科维奇更愿意在2017年租赁期满后,延长俄黑海舰队在塞瓦斯托波尔驻扎。Yanukovych was more willing to renew the lease on Russia's Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol after its expiry in 2017.

然而,俄黑海舰队现驻扎地塞瓦斯托波尔在苏联解体后划归乌克兰。However, Russia Black Sea fleet presently is stationed in Sevastopol disintegrates after Soviet Union to incorporate into Ukraine.

他还把这个友好条约与另一项有关驻扎在乌克兰塞瓦斯托波尔半岛的俄罗斯黑海舰队的相关协议联系起来。He linked the treaty to another agreement governing the presence of Russia's Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol on Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula.

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乌克兰临黑海的塞瓦斯托波尔港附近的农场,一位妇女在受霜害的葡萄园里修剪枝条。Ukrainian woman prunes branches from a vineyard hit by frosts, at a farm near Ukraine's Black sea port of Sevastopol on February, 15, 2006.

现在它就停在塞瓦斯托波尔南部海湾水面上,被第197登陆旅频繁用于进行综合训练演练。Now it is located in the South bay of Sevastopol and is actively used by the 197th landing crafts brigade while doing various training exercises.

乌克兰官员警告说,他们可能禁止从乌克兰塞瓦斯托波尔港出发的俄罗斯军舰返回。Ukrainian officials warned that they may bar Russian warships taken from the key Russian naval base in the Ukrainian port of Sevastopol from returning.

法西斯的空军正在扩大它的轰炸机的作战范围,并在轰炸摩尔曼斯克、奥尔沙、莫吉廖夫、斯摩棱斯克、基辅、敖德萨和塞瓦斯托波尔。The Fascist air force is extending the range of operations of its bombers and is bombing Murmansk, Orsha, Mogilev, Smolensk, kiev, Odessa, and Sevastopol.

今天,节日“战争与和平”在圣彼得堡的塞瓦斯托波尔博物馆举行,在这里人们可以看到一些不同寻常照片,它们都是用这位伟大的作者留下的底片洗出来的。Today, the festival “War and Peace” is held in the Sevastopol museum of Sheremetev, here people can see unique images, printed from negatives of the author.

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这座古城位于黑海之滨,位于克里米亚半岛乌克兰塞瓦斯托波尔市的郊区。The ancient city is located on the shore of the Black Sea at theoutskirts of Sevastopol on the Crimean Peninsula of Ukraine, where it isreferred to as Khersones.

辛菲罗波尔苏联欧洲部分南部一城市,位于塞瓦斯托波尔东北的克里米亚的南部。最初西西亚人在此定居,1784年被俄罗斯吞并。人口331,000。A city of southern European U. S. S. R. in the southern Crimea northeast of Sevastopol. Originally settled by Scythians, it was annexed by Russia in1784. Population, 331, 000.

博物馆位于楼上,因为现在地下被挖掘了,据说是因为有一些在1942年塞瓦斯托波尔保卫战中牺牲的战士的遗骸在下面。The museum is situated on the upper floor because the ground is being excavated right now because some remains of the soldiers who died in 1942 defending Sevastopol are said to be there.