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这是数位时代的血汗工厂。This is the digital-era sweatshop.

前有一阵子你做粗工,现在则做接待。You've worked in a sweatshop and now you're slinging hash.

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他说,工厂里的工作并不怎么样,但那里也并非血汗工厂。While a factory job might not be great, he said, it was no sweatshop.

天桥就是他们施展技艺的地方,也是他们出卖血汗赖以生存的地方。Flyover is wielding his skill and where they betray sweatshop survival place.

但是他们表示政治报是新闻界的血汗工厂这种概念完全是虚构的。But they said the notion of Politico as a journalistic sweatshop is pure myth.

在报告中,苹果反映了它使用的血汗工厂的情况。In its report, Apple revealed the sweatshop conditions inside the factories it uses.

空气污浊,环境嘈杂,这里对孩子们的稚嫩头脑来说有点儿像是一间血汗工厂。The air is stale. It is a disturbing scene, sort of like a sweatshop for children's brains.

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近来,富士康员工频繁跳楼自杀,有网友批评富士康是“血汗工厂”。Recently, there're several suicide jumps at Foxconn. As a result, some netizens call it "sweatshop".

但是,我们亲眼目睹的一切告诉我们,中国作为世界上榨取工人劳力的工厂的角色的结束初现曙光。But we are witnessing nothing less than the beginning of the end of China's role as the sweatshop of the world.

在设有避火设备的廉价公寓中开设“血汗工场”的人面兽心的贪心汉,他们都非常愿意雇用残废的工人。Human vultures who ran sweatshop factories in firetrap tenements were all too willing to take crippled workers.

为了继续快速发展,中国需要完成下一个转变,那就是从血汗工厂经济到创新型经济。To continue growing rapidly, China needs to make the next transition, from sweatshop economy to innovation economy.

到入学年龄时,关女士与其它女孩一道,开始在一间以纺纱为业的血汗工厂里做工。When great-grandma Guan should have been at school, she was working alongside other girls in a sweatshop making thread.

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由于认为有血汗工厂,世界足联作为一个足球的全球管理机构已经取消了上海公司的这份合同。Fifa, football's world governing body, has suspended the Shanghai firm's contract over accusations its employees worked in sweatshop conditions.

在不知晓血汗工厂和坚持“取缔血汗工厂”的两组之间,帕哈利亚和德什潘达没有发现他们的道德标准产生什么太大的区别。Paharia and Deshpandé found no significant difference in the index of moral disengagement between the control group and the "no sweatshop labor" group.

与此同时,我国企业还面临着国外企业和政府的诟病,众多商品遭遇反倾销,“血汗工厂”的产品不再被跨国企业和外国消费者接受。Many products became victims of anti-dumping and products from "sweatshop" are not accepted by multinational enterprises or foreign consumers any longer.

由于计划生育,年轻农民工的输出越来越少,而且他们中间很少有人愿意像父辈们一样接受那些工资低廉环境恶劣的工作。The supply of young laborers is decreasing as an effect of China’s one-child policy, and fewer are willing to work for sweatshop wages as their parents did.

既定的英—美模式是聚集一个成军事集团,屠杀对手,清除所有劳动法、把国家变成血汗工厂。The established Anglo-American method is to roll in a military junta, slaughter the opposition, remove all labor laws, and turn the country into a sweatshop.

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他的儿子从来没看过医生或者牙医,最后一次洗澡是在2岁的时候,所以两相对照,血汗工厂的工作将会开心的并且没有那么危险。Her boy has never been to a doctor or a dentist, and last bathed when he was 2, so a sweatshop job by comparison would be far more pleasant and less dangerous.

范德黑先生和哈里斯先生说,他们知道记者们有时会觉得有压力。但是他们表示政治报是新闻界的血汗工厂这种概念完全是虚构的。Mr. VandeHei and Mr. Harris say they know that reporters can feel pressured at times. But they said the notion of Politico as a journalistic sweatshop is pure myth.

北京敦促外国公司在大陆涉足生产制造以外的领域,意在推动中国完成从世界血汗工厂到世界设计中心的转变。Beijing has put pressure on foreign companies to do more than just manufacture on the mainland, aiming to transform China from the world’s sweatshop to its design studio.