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后用温热水�净。Rinse off with tepid water.

打开方纱布,泡入温水中。Open squares and soak in tepid water.

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那么,如果需求不旺盛,为什么油价会这么高呢?So why are prices so high if demand is tepid?

迷雾中的我,一直梦寐这亮晃晃的微温。The lost me always dream of this tepid sheen.

现在你再也不用喝温的茶了!Now you will never have to drink tepid tea again!

男孩拿出一对温吞吞的黄色保鲜袋。The boy produced a pair of tepid yellowish Baggies.

他作出这样一种不冷不热的回应对以色列没有帮助。He is doing Israel no favors with such a tepid response.

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她把嘴伸到水龙头底下去喝那微温的水。She bent her mouth to the tap and drank the tepid water.

她一双脚稳固地立在微温而粗糙的砖地上。Her feet firmly planted on the tepid rough brick of the floor.

美国官方对帕潘德里欧先生的回应一直是不冷不热。The official American response to Mr Papandreou has been tepid.

这可能会导致一个不温不火的沼泽般的条件,导致感染。This can lead to a tepid swamp-like condition that leads to infection.

虽然CMBS的违约率接近历史最低水平,但需求仍然火不起来。Demand has been tepid even though the CMBS default rate remains near historic lows.

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一些小型研究显示使用微温海绵擦拭对于降低小孩的发烧有帮助。A few small studies demonstrate that tepid sponging helps to reduce fever in children.

如病情需要,可用少量温热黄酒冲入服用。If the illness needs, usable a few tepid yellow rice or millet wine are irruptive take.

办公室------褪色的天花板、积尘的盆栽、冷掉的速溶咖啡。Offices. A world of discoloured ceiling tiles, dusty pot plants and tepid instant coffee.

许先生和其他人警告说,由于私人投资仍然不振,因此中国的经济尚显脆弱。Mr. Xu and others warn that China's economy is fragile, as private investment remains tepid.

他又倒了杯温热的茶给你,久浸的茶叶已经发涩却生津提神。He also made a cup of tepid tea for you. The old tea-leaves tasted acerbic but perk up your spirits.

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防止出痱子的最佳办法是穿凉快、轻薄的棉质衣服,并且经常用温水淋浴。Heat rashes are best avoided by wearing cool, light cotton clothes and taking regular tepid showers.

要经常泡在水里——可以尝试温水淋浴——并且为你的孩子们特别是婴儿准备湿的法兰绒。Regularly dip into water – try tepid showers – and carry damp flannels for babies and young children.

赛贝斯预期,至少在未来一年内,甚至可能至2011期间,科技业的支出都将保持迟滞.Sybase foresees technology sector spending remaining tepid for at least a year and possibly until 2011.