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做一个布告板。I make a signboard.

我在TA网上贴了一张这个告示板的照片。I have posted a photo of this signboard on TA.

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巨型热狗作为餐厅的招牌。Giant hotdog used as the restaurant's signboard.

我们深知,良好的信誉才是企业的一块金字招牌。We well understand that good credit is a gold-lettered signboard for an enterprise.

我在柔坲一间寺院的厕所门上看到一个“VIP”的布告板。I went to a temple in Johor Bahru and saw the "VIP" signboard on a door of a toilet.

因此,招牌字体设计对于整个招牌的结果有着很大的影响。Therefore, the signboard font design for the whole sign effect has a great influence.

现在他回来了,正开着车经过罗雷莱公寓,他看到公寓的前墙上巨大的告示牌And here he was, driving past the Lorelei, when he saw a huge signboard on the front wall

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要是出去看到哪块招牌上面写着汤池,那就说明是一个热水浴池。If you go out and see a signboard written with "tang chi", you should see it as health spa.

一个大招牌挂在后面的墙上,“世界产业工人联合会—第57地方分会”。A big signboard is on the wall at the rear, "Industrial Workers of the World- Local No. 57."

一路向上,我们发现另一个“日落点”招牌的野餐地点。Further up the road we found another picnic spot which bore a signboard " The Sunset Point".

防守稳健,而且头球功夫出色,这些都已经成为杜威的金字招牌。Defends steady, moreover the header time is splendid, these already became Dewey's gold- lettered signboard.

所以到了第二天,父亲减少了原材料和小面包的订购量,摘下了彩色的广告牌So the next day onwards, the father cut down his raw material order and buns, took down the colourful signboard

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本报讯防守稳健,头球功夫出色,这些都已经成为的金字招牌。The newspaper news defense is steady, the header time is splendid, these already became gold- lettered signboard.

司徒雷登大使老爷却坐着不动,睁起眼睛看着,希望开设新店,捞一把。Ambassador Stuart Sat. tight, watching wide-eyed, hoping to set up shop under a new signboard and to reap some profit.

如果把慈善做成金字招牌和工具,那早晚也会被伪善所压垮!If you turn it into a gold-lettered signboard or a useful tool, you will end up being collapsed under the burden of hypocrisy.

楼顶大字制作广告招牌设计是企业形象识别体系的一部分,是对企业自身的识别,它注解企业自身的身份和性子。Advertising E signboard design is a part of the corporate identity system, which is the identification of the enterprise itself.

路口处并没有明显的指示牌,只有注意这几个指示牌就要转进左边的小路。There is no any signboard indicating to the hutan lipur, so have to take note of these signboards and turn left into the junction.

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本文通过英汉语语用功能及其句法表现的差异,对一则招牌的误译进行了分析。Through analysis of a Chinese signboard mistranslation, this article discusses the differences between English and Chinese pragmatics.

司徒雷登大使老爷却坐着不动,睁起眼睛看着,希望开设新店,捞一把。Yet His Excellency Ambassador Stuart Sat. tight, watching wide-eyed, hoping to set up shop under a new signboard and to reap some profit.

这样的情形,在中美洲、南美洲,我们也可以看到,许多国家都挂起了共和国的招牌,实际上却是一点民主也没有。The same is true of Central and South America where many countries display the republican signboard but in fact have no trace of democracy.