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为什么一个密码子有三个碱基呢Why are there three bases in a codon?

星号提示此序列为终止密码子。The asterisk indicates the stop codon.

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所以如果每个密码子只有两个碱基不够If I only had two per codon I wouldn't have enough.

动物界和植物界密码子使用频率不同。Codon usage varies throughout the animal and plant kingdoms.

问题出在该基因第127号密码对上。The change in the gene comes at a position called codon 127.

遗传密码在基因及其表达调控中具有明显的选择性。Codon usage was popular in the gene and expression regulation.

有不止一个密码子来指定同样的氨基酸。用于一种遗传基因。Having more than one codon specify the same amino acid. used of a genetic code.

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一个氨基酸对应不止一个密码子,由三碱基所构成的密码子There's just more sequences in a three unit codon than I need for the amino acids.

该变异位于第129号密码对上,距离新近发现的密码对仅2个单位。The variant's position in the gene, at codon 129, is just two units away from the new one.

每一个密码子或者编码一种氨基酸,或者告诉这些细胞停止生产这个蛋白质链。Each codon either codes for an amino acid or tells the cell to stop making a protein chain.

密码子碱基组成的差异因物种不同而异,具有种属特异性。The codon composition were variable in different species, which were specific in each species.

即功能和类型决定密码子使用模式的大的分类,而物种决定该大类中进一步的差异。Species is a minor factor and it will cause further difference in codon usage in a given class.

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但是,不同基因的终止密码子对庆大霉素的易感性是难以预测的。However, stop codon susceptibility to gentamicin between different genes is difficult to predict.

由于密码子的数目比氨基酸要多,因此许多氨基酸都可被几个密码子编码。But, with more codons than amino acids, many amino acids have more than one codon to describe them.

论文第四章重点介绍用非线性映射方法分析原核生物基因密码子使用情况并得到的相关结论。In chapter IV, the codon usage preferences in prokaryotic organism are analyzed by nonlinear mapping method.

值得注意的是发现一个新的突变位点-密码子42,并且与密码子12突变共存。Suprisingly, a novel point mutation at codon 42 of K-ras was found, and coexisted with mutation in codon 12.

进一步研究基因表达水平和基因长度与密码子使用偏爱之间的关系。We further explored the correlation between synonymous codon bias and gene expression level and gene length.

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突变成编码另一种氨基酸的密码子。Missense mutation --- A mutation that changes a codon specific for one amino acid to specify another amino acid.

基于这种疾病特异的密码子使用特征,设计了一种新的预测疾病基因的方法。Based on the disease-specific codon usage characteristic, a novel approach to predict human disease genes is developed.

籽粒苋NAD-ME基因与大肠杆菌、酵母的基因组密码子偏好性有较大差异。Codon bias of NAD-ME of Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. was significantly different from those of E. coli and yeast genome.