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路上,我们在一个小的沼泽地区呆了会儿。On the way, we stopped by a small marshy area.

城墙后面是一片沼泽和难以逾越的区域。A marshy and impassable area stretched behind the walls.

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这片沼泽地为鸟类提供了繁殖地。The marshy land provided a breeding place for the birds.

而营地的尾部则有河流和沼泽保护。To the rear, the camp was protected by the river and marshy ground.

放眼望去,这片区域是沼泽而富水丰沃的。The natural landscape in this region is generally marshy and well watered.

铁尔河蜿蜒在几十个长满了柳树的沼泽小岛之间。The river till strained among some score of willow-covered, marshy islets.

如果您看到青蛙在一个低沼泽区,这是一个迹象,病患者运气和损失。If you see frogs in a low marshy area this is a sign of ill luck and losses.

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1870年一船名为“巴克罗”第一次访问一个沼泽湖用于交易。In 1870 a steamer named "The Vaquero" made its first trip to a marshy lagoon for trading.

我跑过了一片沼泽地,看见那里长满了柳树、芦苇和形状古怪的沼泽树木。I had crossed a marshy tract full of willows, bulrushes , and odd, outlandish, swampy trees.

沼泽或者可能变成沼泽的地区、以及雨季容易浸水的地区都应当避免。Marshes or areas likely to become marshy or soggy during the rainy season should be avoided.

雌鲨会将卵排在沿着湖岸生长的楔叶类或者其他湿地植物旁。Mothers would've attached their eggs to horsetails and other marshy plants along the lakeshore.

尽管这些深坑一亿六千年以前曾是一片沼泽湿地,现已成了戈壁滩。Although the pits lie in what is now the Gobi desert, 160 million years ago the region was a marshy wetland.

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从那儿我们会去别的沼泽,甚至到有美丽热带植物的原始森林去看看。From there we'll head for some other marshy and even jungle-like areas that feature wonderful tropical plant life.

其主要土壤类型为山地黄棕壤和石灰土及局部的山地沼泽土。The main soil types are mountain yellow-brown earth and limestone soil, and mountain marshy soils in localized areas.

当洪流到达这片平坦的土地,河流的速度减低,展开形成一片多沼泽的草原。As the fast-flowing mountain torrents reach flatter land, they slow and spread out to creat a band of marshy grassland.

欧洲、西伯利亚和北美洲接近北冰洋的低洼沼泽平原名之为冻土带。Tundra is the name given to the low, marshy plains of Europe, Siberia, and North America that border on the Arctic Ocean.

环绕城堡的城墙高10米,宽2.5米。城墙后面是一片沼泽和难以逾越的区域。It was surrounded by walls that were 10 m high and 2.5 meters wide. A marshy and impassable area stretched behind the walls.

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而湿地型推土机则通过其装有的底盘配置确保其在湿地作业运动不受限制。Swamp bulldozers are equipped with an undercarriage that is configured to enable them to freely move around on a marshy land.

当逃生舱降落在这个多雾星球的沼泽地表之时,舱口打开,而尤达打量著四周严峻的环境。As the pod settled down on the marshy surface of the shrouded bog planet, its hatch opened and Yoda surveyed the grim surroundings.

一种产于北美东部、墨西哥和西印度群岛高海岸或沼生的蓑衣草,叶片具有尖利的小齿边缘。A tall coastal or marshy sedge of eastern North America, Mexico, and the West Indies, having leaves with sharp, minutely toothed margins.