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这样一个变异区域称为梯度变异。Such a range of variation is termed a cline.

通常,在两个变异群中的个体是繁殖隔离的。Often, individuals at either end of a cline are reproductively isolated.

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威廉克莱恩在华盛顿的全球发展中心撰写的这个研究报告。William Cline wrote the study from the Center for Global Development in Washington.

海洋中温跃层的存在,使得人们可以借助海洋温差能以利用大量的海洋热能。A large amount of thermal energy can be used by developing the thermo cline layer of sea.

在渐变群两端的种群是完全不同的。The populations at each end of the cline may be substantially different from one another.

奇利斯·斯坦顿,你要让这位舞会女皇重返舞台?派西·科林曾在这里演出过。Chiles Stanton, you're gonna let this prom queen get up on stage? Patsy Cline played here.

她从小就热爱乡村音乐,尤其喜爱歌手佩茜•克莱恩和多莉•帕顿。Growing up, she developed a love for country music, especially Patsy Cline and Dolly Parton.

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卡拉汉和利狄柯特发现加利福尼亚北部产的黄松有一海拔渐变群。Callaham and Liddicoet found an elevational cline in ponderosa pine from Northern California.

魏格纳说,他数周前偶遇凯伦.克莱恩的继父,才能找到她。Wagner said he was able to track down Karen Cline after running into her stepfather a few weeks ago.

听过艾伦及克莱两家的故事后,新生儿全面筛检似乎是再简单不过的选择。To hear the stories of the Allen and Cline families, universal screening of newborns seems a no-brainer.

克莱因说,两党的约三分之二的选民表示,他们还不确定支持哪一位参选人。Cline said that about two-thirds of voters in both parties say they are not committed firmly to a candidate.

这一渐变群是沿着萨克拉曼多谷地到西瓦内华达山脊的植被带存在的。This cline exists along a transect from the Sacramento Valley to near the crest of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

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他经常告诉我们,自己如何试演,如何在佩茜·克莱恩作为主唱的乐队里占一席之位。He often told us how he had auditioned and earned a position in a band that featured Patsy Cline as their lead singer.

人们认为这种梯度变异可能是降水量,温度也许还有光周期等地理趋势造成的结果。The cline is considered the probable result of geographic trends in precipitation, temperature, and perhaps also photoperiod.

像我们所知道的,过量饮食喝酒对我们的身体不好,但是只要客户觉得高兴,谁管得了那么多身体呢。As we know, too much food or wine is not good for our body, but as long as the cline feels happy, no one will care too much of their body.

大卫·克莱因说,反驳论点的唯一可能性,只能在于那珍贵的、经过时间考验的粒子物理学的标准模型被证明是否还存在着某种错误。The only possibility of a counterargument, Cline said, is if the venerable, time-tested standard model of particle physics is proven wrong.

克莱因说,这些面对面的活动十分重要,因为在这个小州的许多选民是根据他们与参选人接触的印象来作出选择的。These one-on-one events are key because many voters in this small state base their choices on their interactions with the candidates, Cline said.

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在塞拉利昂克莱恩船厂滑道改建工程中,对吸泥泵组的配套工艺设计及使用情况作以介绍。This paper presents associated technology design and application of a dredge pump unit in the rehabilitation project in Cline Shipyard, Sierra Leone.

同时说明,强化词在主观性连续统上只不过占据一个居中位置,主观化的单向性亦不具有普遍性。They also demonstrate that intensifiers occupy no more than an intermediate position on the cline of subjectivity, and that the unidirectionality of subjectification is not universal.

国内胡枝子种源间耐旱耐寒性变异大致符合经纬向双重渐变规律,即反映冷—暖、干—湿的气候生态模式。Finally, the variation of resistance in provenances of Lespedeza is type of cline which is a reflection of climate changes from cold to warm and dry to wet in the distribution area of this species.