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这简直是个幻境。This is a veritable fairyland.

这简直就是人间仙境啊。It's simply a fairyland on earth.

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我真怀疑自己是到了一个童话世界。I suspect I have arrived in a fairyland.

他们看起来像仙境中的城堡。They look like the castles in fairyland.

他们相亲相爱,生活如在仙境。They love each other, living in fairyland.

仙界是彩虹仙子的家!Fairyland is home to seven colorful sisters.

仙界是七位气象仙子的家!Fairyland is home to the seven Weather Fairies!

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这里就是有着绿色仙境之称的天目湖。This is Tianmu Lake also known as the Green Fairyland.

我们发现我们在名副其实的仙境中。We found ourselves in the midst of a veritable fairyland.

贵州赫章炼锌矿上的煤堆是孩子们的乐园。Coal piles on the Zinc mine is like an fairyland for children.

这幅作品是秋天拍的—人间仙境。This picture, taken in autumn, is titled "Fairyland on Earth".

没有了这些宝石,生活在仙界的仙子们的魔力就会很快消失!Without them, all the fairy magic in Fairyland is fading fast!

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那座花园是一个繁花似锦,香气袭人的仙境。The garden was a fairyland of beautiful flowers and sweet odors.

这景色美的仿佛置身于仙境。The scenery is so fantastic that it seems as if you are in a fairyland.

丽江古城,是世界文化遗产之一,距今已有800多年的历史。Lijiang is the only fairyland on earth which has a history of 800 years.

如果世间真有仙境,那就是九寨沟。If there is really a fairyland in the world, it is the Jiuzhaigou Valley.

我为我平日的小聪明感到羞愧,我离开正途闯入了仙境般的世界。My everyday wisdom was ashamed. I went astray in the fairyland of things.

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昨天晚上我做了一个梦,在梦中,我仿佛置身于仙境中。Last night I had a dream, in my dream, I as if place oneself in fairyland.

一个很普通的地方,对别人来说只是一个‘空谷’,但对他们来说却是童话王国。A very ordinary place . . . just 'the Hollow' to others but to them fairyland.

伴随着悦耳动听的声声仙乐,我们步入了梦幻世界般的瑶池仙境、仙水宫。With the melodious songs, we are entering the dream-like Jasper Lake Fairyland.