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曲奇饼成形机过程。Cookie cutter process.

电线剪剥皮机“,”Wire Automatic Cutter.

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选用激光木样刀模。Adopt laser wood die cutter.

绞刀电动机拖动系统。Model of cutter driver system.

我们确实要招一名裁剪工。We do have a vacancy for a cutter.

一齿,三齿,尼龙打草器。One, Three teeth, nylon grass cutter.

你的刺刀是把不错的剪线钳。Your bayonet makes a good wire cutter.

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弧形冠部设计,刀翼式分布。Arc crown profile, blade cutter setting.

用油管裁截器截去受损的油管。Cut off damaged tube with Tubing Cutter.

所以这是个可以插入字符的括号。So this part is the cookie cutter stuff.

裁剪师可以很容易地读懂图纸。A pattern cutter can read a sketch easily.

备注Remarks电线切割器和剥线器内藏。The cutter and stripped wire inside a thread.

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真空斩拌机,搅拌机,绞肉机,冻肉切割机。Bowl Cutter, Mixer, Mincer, Frozen Meat Cutter.

缉私船靠近走私船。The revenue cutter drew on the smugglers' ship.

该机工作部分为刀盘。The working part of this machine is cutter disc.

配备与丝杠,卡盘和刀具封面。Equipped with leadscrew, chuck and cutter covers.

智者纵容着他说,“去做采石匠吧。”" The wise man, humoring him, said, "Be a cutter.

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切刀可实现直切、对切。The cutter can perform straight cut and twist cut.

最好用截管器,不过用钢锯也能凑合。A tube cutter works best but you can use a hacksaw.

滚刀上其馀的刀齿都是粗切齿。Hob on the rest of the cutter tooth is thick teeth.